Minutes of ISC Meeting on 2015/7/27
14:00 - 15:00 on SeeVogh
Participants: Aso, Miyakawa, Kokeyama, Somiya, Arai, H. Yamamoto, Ueda, Nakano, Akutsu, Michimura
- Review the task list again
- Confirmation of available man power
Review of the task list again
- ISC Task List 2015 (Updated after the meeting)
- iKAGRA commissioning:
- Need to be prepared befoe starting the commissioning.
- We should make a noise budget model beforehand.
- Also we should perform necessary measurements (such as PD dark noise) as much as possible beforehand.
- IBF:
- Only considering the power reduction of the RFSB is not enough. We should estimate the actual impacts on the loop noise, ASC, etc.
- We should check with Hirose-san how much assymmetry between X and Y arms were introduced with his simulations.
- We now have more mirror maps including BS. Should be able to perform more realistic simulations.
- There was a bug in the SIS code. Should re-run the simulations.
- Ask Hirose-san for the mirror maps.
- OMC requirements
- KAGRA cannot remove the power term of the substrate transmition by a ring heater. Should expect more HOM power from the power term.
- OMC suspensions
- Talking with UWA. Also NIKHEF is a possibility.
- Beam dumpers
- We should be prepared for the beam dumps when some of the mirrors are mis-aligned during the alignment works
- bKAGRA commissioning
- Aso will send some slides. When to go to cryogenic ?
Man Power
- Aso will talk with the leader of each research group about their efforts for the ISC tasks.
- Aso will personally contact people for task assignment
- JANGO would like to be assigned tasks in big chunks