ISC Meeting on 2016/4/18
2016/4/18 14:00 - 15:00
Participants: Miyakawa, Aso, Nakano, Ando, Arai, H. Yamaoto, Michimura
1. What to do just after the iKAGRA test run.
- Save and note all the interferometer settings, configurations to write a paper
- Calibration confirmation, actuator efficiency measurement
- Can we measure the Schnupp asymmetry somehow ?
- Stop the clean booth filters and see if the noise changes
- Take noise spectra using an analog FFT analyser up to very high frequency. Compare it with the spectrum taken by the digital system.
- Measure the accurate position of the mirrors (PR3 and BS) with respect to the markings on the floor.
- oplev stability, noise measurements (with mirror fixed)
- scattering noise investigation
- measure PR3 suspension Q values
2. Planning towards bKAGRA
- A possibility of operating a room temperature Michelson interferometer at the end of May 2017 is under discussion.
- How to motivate the development of digital models.
- It will be good to design the feedback system just like designing analog circuits (not ad hoc development but make a well documented design).
- The next release of the realtime code may work without actual hardware (ADC/DAC etc). This is a good opportunity to start working on the simulated plant.
40m LSC model design
Length sensing and control of the Caltech 40m prototype
- How to check the length between PR2-PR3 or SR2-SR3. Measuring the Gouy phase ?
- Simulation work: shall we make official interferometer models (Optickle and Finesse) of KAGRA ?
- OMC: If the engineering hardle of all-glass OMC is too high, how about making one with metal first ?
- A kick off meeting is necessary for OMC
- Items necessary for bKAGRA phase 1 and one for later should be distingished.
3. Status of the simulation for the ITM spec.
- Inhomogeneity of a low absorption crystal will be measured in the next month so that we can do the simulation.
- The ITM AR polish specification will be 6nm RMS in best effort basis.
- All of the crystals from the US company had high absorption. Characerization of two domestic samples wll be done in the next two weeks.
The next meeting: 2016/5/2 14:00 - 15:00