ISC Meeting on 2016/5/16
2016/5/16 14:00 - 15:00
Participants: Michimura, Miyakawa, Kokeyama, Miyo, H. Yamamoto, Aso
- Swtitch of the chief and sub-chief
- Michimura will become the chief of MIF. Aso will become the sub-chief.
- iKAGRA post-run measurements
iKAGRA beam spot positions [Aso] klog
Post run calibration mystery [Aso] Notebook
Transfer function measurements from single ETM to the MICH error signal shows no LPF. -> excludes the possibility of a hidden LPF in the analog chain.
- Differential time delay between ETMX and ETMY could be a cause but not so sure.
bKAGRA phase 1 optical configuration [Aso] Slides
- Moving PR2 and PR3 by 1cm each will stabilize the PRMI
- HOM structure and the length sensing signals need to be checked.