ISC Task Assignment Plan 2015/8/10
A task with O mark means the assignment was confirmed
Management [Aso, Michimura]
- Finalize the task list
- Assign people to the tasks
Make a schedule for iKAGRA ISC tasks -> Important: to be done first
Analog Electronics (MIF, IOO, AEL)
- Complete the iKAGRA ISC electronics diagram [Michimura] O
- Make a cabling plan [Michimura] O
- Installation of the ISC electronics for iKAGRA [Aso, Nakano] O
Integration with the Digital Control System (MIF, IOO, DGS)
- Make a channel list for iKAGRA ISC (including whether each channel needs a whitening filter) [Kokeyama] O
- Write ISC real time codes [Student + Kokeyama, Michimura] O
- Create MEDM screens [Student + Kokeyama, Michimura] O
- Write guardian scripts [Student + Kokeyama, Michimura] O
Cameras (AOS)
- Decide where to put cameras [Aso, Kokeyama] O
- Figure out how to mount the cameras [Aso, Kokeyama] O
- Test the camera server [Kokeyama, Aso] O
- Buy more cameras [Aso] O
- Install the cameras [Kokeyama, Aso + Students] O
Optical Layout of the REFL bench (IOO) [Toyama Univ.]
-> To be confirmed
Initial Alignment (MIF)
- Write a document of the initial alignment procedure for iKAGRA [Michimura] △
-> Eventhough the procedure may be changed at the site, it is important to have an official procedure and update it as we develop a better method.
- Actually perform the initial alignment [Michimura + Students] O
-> Need coordination with VIS people (we need them at the site during the alignment work)
Commissioning of the Mode Cleaner (IOO)
List up measurements to be done with iKAGRA [Kawamura + everyone] -> To be confirmed
Commissioning of the Michelson
- List up measurements to be done with iKAGRA [Aso + everyone] O
ISC Modeling (MIF, IOO)
- Build a model of iKAGRA with Chris's noise budget code [Student + Michimura] O
Make a noise budget for iKAGRA -> feed this information to the commissioning task list [Student + Michimura] O
* Management [Aso, Michimura] O
- Finalize the task list
- Assign people to the tasks
- Make a schedule for bKAGRA ISC tasks
* Interferometer optical simulations (MIF)
- FFT simulations with realistic mirror maps [Hirose, Hiro Yamamoto] O
- Decide whether IBF is necessary or not [Aso, Hirose, Somiya, Michimura] O
-> It is related to OMC and also the control of the auxiliary DOFs. Aso will propose how to organize the work.
Requirements on the PRG, intra-cavity power, contrast defects [JANGO] O -> Need to specify the task more in detail
Thermal lensing of the MIF mirrors [JANGO] O -> Need to specify the task more in detail
- Decide whether IBF is necessary or not [Aso, Hirose, Somiya, Michimura] O
* ISC Modeling (MIF, IOO)
- Build a model of bKAGRA with Chris's noise budget code [Students + Michimura] O
- Fix the laser frequency stabilization servo design [Michimura, Aso] O
* AS Port Design (IOO)
- Overall design of the AS optics (after SRM) [Somiya + Students] O
OFI design [Somiya + Students] - > Pending
- OMMT design [Somiya + Students] O
- Steering mirrors ? [Somiya + Students]
- OMC design [Somiya + Students] O
Setting OMC requirements or ITM polish requirements using simulations with real mirror maps [Somiya, Hiro Yamamoto] -> To be merged with the simulation tasks above.
- Discuss with overseas groups about vibration isolation systems for OMC (and possibly other AS optics) [Somiya, Akutsu]
* Other Signal Ports (IOO) -> To be confirmed
- REFL table optical design [Students + Kawamura]
- POP table optical design [Students + Kawamura]
- POS table optical design [Students + Kawamura]
- POX/POY table optical design [Students + Kawamura]
- In-vac PD design [Doi, Aso]
* Laser Power Management (IOO, MIF, CRY)
How to change the laser power during the operation [Students + Kawamura] -> To be confirmed
Check the compatibility of the variable laser power with cryogenics [K. Yamamoto] -> To be confirmed
- Beam shutters (in-air, in-vac) [Somiya + Students] O
High power beam damps [Akutsu] -> To be confirmed
* Initial Alignment (MIF)
- Write a document of the initial alignment procedure for bKAGRA [Michimura] O
* Lock Acquisition (MIF, IOO)
- Simulation of the signals with various interferometer configurations (DRMI, PRFPMI, etc) using Optickle and Finesse (cross check) [Students + Michimura, Aso] O
Design of the ALS -> To be discussed with Kawamura-san
Review the noise budget for the ALS [Students + Aso, Kawamura]
Make design drawings of the ALS [Students + Aso, Kawamura]
Deceide a scheme to generate f3 & f1 (AM) sidebands [Nakano, Michimura, Uehara, Somiya]
-> This is probably within the scope of Nakano-kun's PhD project. 'To be confirmed with Kawamura-san
- Write a document for the lock acquisition procednure [Students + Aso] O
* Analog Electronics (MIF, IOO, AEL)
- List up necessary ISC electronics for bKAGRA [Michimura, Aso] O
- Draw an ISC electronics diagram for bKAGRA [Michimura] O
- Make a cabling plan [Michimura] O
* Integration with the Digital Control System (MIF, IOO, DGS)
- Write ISC real time codes [Student + Kokeyama, Michimura] O
- Create MEDM screens [Student + Kokeyama, Michimura] O
* Cameras (AOS)
- Decide where to put cameras [Aso, Kokeyama] O
- Figure out how to mount the cameras [Aso, Kokeyama] O
- Buy more cameras [Aso] O
Consider how to look at the cryogenic mirror surfaces (MIF, CRY) [Tomaru ?, Aso] -> To be discussed with Tomaru-san
* Commissioning (MIF)
- Make a commissioning plan for bKAGRA [Aso + everyone] O