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Revision 1 as of 2010-06-29 09:19:49
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Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 7 as of 2010-07-04 22:20:36
Size: 6299
Editor: YoichiAso
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= EVOの使い方 = = How to Use EVO for LCGT Meetings =
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 * [[#EVOOverview|EVOの概要]]
  * [[#EVOLicense|EVOの利用条件]]
 * [[#EVORegister|EVOの利用者登録]]
 * [[#EVOStart|EVOの起動]]
 * [[#EVOParticipation|会議への参加]]
  * [[#EVOUsage|EVOの簡単な操作方法]]
  * [[#EVOSkype|Skypeでの参加]]
  * [[#EVOTelephone|電話での参加]]
 * [[#EVOadmin|EVO会議の主催]]
  * [[#EVOTVConf|TV会議のブリッジ]]
  * [[#EVOSkypeBridge|Skypeのブリッジ]]
  * [[#EVODiagram|EVO接続の概念図]]
 * [[#EVOOverview|EVO Overview]]
 * [[#EVORegister|User Registration]]
 * [[#EVOStart|Starting EVO]]
 * [[#EVOParticipation|Joining a Conference]]
  * [[#EVOUsage|EVO Usage]]
  * [[#EVOSkype|Skype Bridge]]
  * [[#EVOTelephone|Phone Bridge]]
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== EVOの概要 ==
== EVO Overview ==
EVO is an online conference system developed at Caltech. It has many advantages over conventional H.323 TV conference systems such as Polycom.
It is free of charge and does not require special expensive hardware. You can use EVO from behind most firewalls.
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 * 高価な専用機械(Polycom)が不要 (EVOの利用は基本的に無料)
 * 一般的なPC/Macとインターネット接続さえあれば、どこからでも(出張先からでも)会議に参加可能
 * ほとんどのファイアーウォールの内側からでも使える(Polycomはポートを開放しないと使えない)
 * 高価なPolycom MCUを経由しなくても多人数(数十人〜数百人規模)の会議が可能
 * 音声、映像、PC画面、ホワイトボード等が送受信可能
 * EVO会議には、従来のTV会議システム(H.323)や、Skype、さらには電話での参加も可能(豊富なブリッジ機能を搭載)
 * 会議の録音、録画が簡単にできる
LCGT project plans to use EVO to provide remote participation for most meetings. This page explains how a collaborator can join an EVO meeting.
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First, all EVO users are required to register at their web site. Please refer to [[#EVORegister|User Registration]] section. Then proceed to [[#EVOStart|Starting EVO]] and [[#EVOParticipation|Joining a Meeting]].
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SkypeでEVO会議に参加される方は、[[#EVOSkype|Skypeでの参加]]を読んでください。電話での参加希望の方は、[[#EVOTelephone|電話での参加]]をご参照下さい。 To connect to an EVO meeting through Skype or phone, read [[#EVOSkype|Skype Bridge]] or [[#EVOTelephone|Phone Bridge]].
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EVOの詳しい使い方は、[[http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/Documentation/EvO_2_Full_Documentation.pdf|EVO Documentation]]を読んでください。

=== EVOの利用条件 ===
For more information about EVO, read the [[http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/Documentation/EvO_2_Full_Documentation.pdf|EVO Documentation]].
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== EVOの利用者登録 ==
EVOのWeb Page([[http://evo.caltech.edu/]])へ行き、Registerをクリックします。<<BR>>
== User Registration ==
Go to the EVO web page([[http://evo.caltech.edu/]]) and click "Register". Enter user ID, password and an email address to create an account.
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== EVOの起動 ==
EVOのWeb Page([[http://evo.caltech.edu/]])へ行き、"Start EVO 2.0"をクリックします。<<BR>>
EVOのクライアント(Javaのプログラム)が自動的にダウンロードされて起動されます。もし、JRE(Java Runtime Environment)がお使いのコンピュータにインストールされていない場合、インストールする必要があります。WindowsやMacでは、自動的にダウンロード画面に誘導されるはずです。ライセンスに同意して、インストール後、もう一度"Start EVO 2.0"をクリックしてください。Linuxの場合は、各Distributionのパッケージシステムから、SunのJREをインストールしてください。例えばUbuntuの場合、インストールするべきパッケージはsun-java6-binです。
== Starting EVO ==
Go to the EVO web page ([[http://evo.caltech.edu/]]) and click "Start EVO".<<BR>>
The EVO client program (called Koala) will be downloaded and automatically executed. You need JRE (Java Runtime Environment) to run Koala. If it is not installed in your computer, you will be led to the download page (for Windows and Mac). For Linux, install the JRE through your distribution's package management system. For Ubuntu, the following command will do the job.
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EVOが起動すると、途中でユーザー名とパスワードを聞かれます。上で登録したIDとパスワードを入力してログインしてください。 During the startup process of EVO client, you are asked to enter an EVO account information. Put your EVO account ID and password.
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== 会議への参加 ==
== Joining a Meeting ==
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EVOが起動されると、上のような画面が現れます。EVOでは誰かが主催した会議(Meeting)に参加するという形を取ります。LCGT関連の会議では、その会議の主催者からEVOのMeeting名がメールなどで伝えられるはずです。Meeting名は、例えば"LCGT Collaboration Meeting"というようなものになります。 Once EVO is fully started, you will see a window above. Now you have to join a meeting booked by someone. For LCGT related meetings, the name of an EVO meeting will be announced by email beforehand. In order to find a meeting, click on "Meetings" in the menu bar. Then click "Search for meetings". A search window will open. Check "Filter Titles" and put the (partial) name of the meeting you want to join in the text box. After clicking the Search button, you will see a list of meetings matching the search criteria. Find your meeting and click on it to join.
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Meetingに参加するには、上部メニューバーのMeetingsから"Search for meetings"を選びます。開いた検索画面に条件を入力して参加すべきMeetingを検索します。基本的には、右上部の"Filter Titles"にチェックを入れて、テキストボックスにMeeting名(の一部)を入力します。 Searchボタンをクリックしてしばらく待つと、条件に一致するMeetingが表示されるので、参加したいものを選んでクリックします。

Sometimes, meetings are password protected. In this case, the password should be distributed to the potential participants beforehand. Ask your meeting organizer if you don't know the password.
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=== EVOの簡単な操作方法 ===
Meetingに参加すると、下のような画面になります。中段に並んでいるアイコンで各種操作を行ないます。重要なものは、一番左の「スピーカー On/Off」、左から二番目の「マイクミュート」(デフォルトではミュートになっています)、一番右の「会議から退席」、右から三番目の「設定」アイコンです。
=== EVO Usage ===
When you join a meeting, you will see the following window. The colorful icons in the middle are important. The left most one is for switching the speaker On/Off. The second one from left is for microphone mute (default is muted). The right most one is for exiting the meeting. The third one from right is used to open "Audio Video Controls" window.
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{{attachment:Koala.png}} {{attachment:LCGT/Meeting/EVOJ/Koala.png}}
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==== ビデオ画像 ====
==== Video ====
Once you join a meeting, you will also see a window like below. It is a window to show videos. If you have a web camera connected to your computer, you can send your video by clicking the web camera like icon.
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{{attachment:Vievo.png}} {{attachment:LCGT/Meeting/EVOJ/Vievo.png}}

Receiving video can put a significant CPU load and a network load. If you experience slow down of your computer, try to disable the video. To do so, open the "Audio Video Controls" window and select the video tab. In the "Video Received" pane, select "No Videos" to disable video completely. You can also limit the bandwidth or show only selected videos to reduce the load.

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==== 音声調節 ====
スピーカーやマイクの音量を調節するには、「設定」アイコンをクリックします。開いたウィンドウのAudioタブをクリックすると、下のような画面になります。Transmit GainとReceive Gainがそれぞれマイクゲインとスピーカーゲインです。
==== Audio ====
In order to adjust audio volumes and such, open the "Audio" tab of the "Audio Video Controls" window. You will see a window like below. Change the Transmit Gain and Receive Gain to change microphone and speaker volume.
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音声が全く聞こえないときは、右下の"Restart Audio"を押してみてください。音声が途切れる場合は、Advancedをクリックして、Transmit Silence SuppressionTransmit Auto Gain Control, Echo Suppression等をOn/Offしてみて下さい。
If you don't hear anything, try to click "Restart Audio". If the voice is choppy, click "Advanced" and play with Transmit Silence Suppression, Transmit Auto Gain Control or Echo Suppression.

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=== Skypeでの参加 ===
=== Skype Bridge ===
If you have trouble in getting EVO work (like when you are behind a very strict firewall), you can connect to EVO through Skype. Currently, the Skype-EVO bridge is still in its beta test and the number of simultaneously connectible clients is very limited. If there are many people who want to connect through Skype, the meeting organizer will host a Skype conference including the EVO bridge. All other Skype participants will be connected to EVO through this Skype conference call. Tell the meeting organizer your Skype ID so that you are included in this conference call.

If there are only a few people connecting through Skype, each Skype user should follow the steps below to connect to the meeting.
 * Start Skype and add evo.phone to your contact list.
 * Call evo.phone
 * Once connected, enter the Meeting ID (Phone Bridge ID) with the dial pad. In order to open the dial pad, click on the small triangle next to the volume bar as shown below. This dial pad is not to be confused with the dial pad for making a phone call.


 * After the Meeting ID, press # to connect to the meeting.
 * Your microphone is not muted at the beginning. Please mute it when not speaking.
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=== 電話での参加 ===
[[http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/telephone.jsp|EVO Phone Bridge]]のページにある電話番号のどれかに電話して、つながったら指示に従って接続したいEVO MeetingのIDを入力します。Meeting IDは主催者に聞いてください。現状では残念ながら日本国内のアクセス番号は無いようです。

== EVO会議の主催 ==

EVOのMeetingを予約(Book)するには、EVOを起動後、メニューバーのMeetingsから"Book a Meeting"を選びます。開いたウィンドウに必要事項を記入して、CreateをクリックすればMeetingが予約されます。クローズドなMeetingにしたい場合はパスワードを設定し、それを参加予定者に通知してください。

予約されたMeetingの詳細は、登録したメールアドレスに送信されてきます。そこには、Meeting IDも記載されています。メール上では以下のようにPhone Bridge IDとして記載されています。
- Phone Bridge
       ID: 2059262


=== TV会議のブリッジ ===


 * Meetingに参加したら、メニューバーにある、{{attachment:Call.png||align="top"}} をクリックします。<<BR>>
 * "Call H.323/SIP client"をクリックします。<<BR>>
 * 新しく開いたウィンドウにTV会議ホストのIPアドレスを入力して、コールアイコン(グリーンの受話器のマーク)をクリックします。


=== Skypeのブリッジ ===

次に、evo.phoneに発信します。接続されたら、指示に従ってMeeting ID(Phone Bridge ID)を入力します。この際、ダイアルパッドを表示する必要があります。


IDの数字を入力したら、最後に#を押します。IDが正しく入力されたら、EVOの画面にSkype Bridgeが参加者として表示されるはずです。


EVOのSkype Bridgeと無事つながったら、他のSkype参加者を会議通話で呼び出して、参加させます。

=== EVO接続の概念図 ===
=== Phone Bridge ===
You can join an EVO meeting from a normal phone if you want. See [[http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/telephone.jsp|EVO Phone Bridge]] to find the nearest access number to your location. Call a number and enter the EVO Meeting ID (Phone Bridge ID), which will be distributed by the meeting organizer.

How to Use EVO for LCGT Meetings

EVO Overview

EVO is an online conference system developed at Caltech. It has many advantages over conventional H.323 TV conference systems such as Polycom. It is free of charge and does not require special expensive hardware. You can use EVO from behind most firewalls.

LCGT project plans to use EVO to provide remote participation for most meetings. This page explains how a collaborator can join an EVO meeting.

First, all EVO users are required to register at their web site. Please refer to User Registration section. Then proceed to Starting EVO and Joining a Meeting.

To connect to an EVO meeting through Skype or phone, read Skype Bridge or Phone Bridge.

For more information about EVO, read the EVO Documentation.

User Registration

Go to the EVO web page(http://evo.caltech.edu/) and click "Register". Enter user ID, password and an email address to create an account.

Starting EVO

Go to the EVO web page (http://evo.caltech.edu/) and click "Start EVO".
The EVO client program (called Koala) will be downloaded and automatically executed. You need JRE (Java Runtime Environment) to run Koala. If it is not installed in your computer, you will be led to the download page (for Windows and Mac). For Linux, install the JRE through your distribution's package management system. For Ubuntu, the following command will do the job.

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin

During the startup process of EVO client, you are asked to enter an EVO account information. Put your EVO account ID and password.

Joining a Meeting


Once EVO is fully started, you will see a window above. Now you have to join a meeting booked by someone. For LCGT related meetings, the name of an EVO meeting will be announced by email beforehand. In order to find a meeting, click on "Meetings" in the menu bar. Then click "Search for meetings". A search window will open. Check "Filter Titles" and put the (partial) name of the meeting you want to join in the text box. After clicking the Search button, you will see a list of meetings matching the search criteria. Find your meeting and click on it to join.

Sometimes, meetings are password protected. In this case, the password should be distributed to the potential participants beforehand. Ask your meeting organizer if you don't know the password.

EVO Usage

When you join a meeting, you will see the following window. The colorful icons in the middle are important. The left most one is for switching the speaker On/Off. The second one from left is for microphone mute (default is muted). The right most one is for exiting the meeting. The third one from right is used to open "Audio Video Controls" window.



Once you join a meeting, you will also see a window like below. It is a window to show videos. If you have a web camera connected to your computer, you can send your video by clicking the web camera like icon.


Receiving video can put a significant CPU load and a network load. If you experience slow down of your computer, try to disable the video. To do so, open the "Audio Video Controls" window and select the video tab. In the "Video Received" pane, select "No Videos" to disable video completely. You can also limit the bandwidth or show only selected videos to reduce the load.



In order to adjust audio volumes and such, open the "Audio" tab of the "Audio Video Controls" window. You will see a window like below. Change the Transmit Gain and Receive Gain to change microphone and speaker volume.

If you don't hear anything, try to click "Restart Audio". If the voice is choppy, click "Advanced" and play with Transmit Silence Suppression, Transmit Auto Gain Control or Echo Suppression.


Skype Bridge

If you have trouble in getting EVO work (like when you are behind a very strict firewall), you can connect to EVO through Skype. Currently, the Skype-EVO bridge is still in its beta test and the number of simultaneously connectible clients is very limited. If there are many people who want to connect through Skype, the meeting organizer will host a Skype conference including the EVO bridge. All other Skype participants will be connected to EVO through this Skype conference call. Tell the meeting organizer your Skype ID so that you are included in this conference call.

If there are only a few people connecting through Skype, each Skype user should follow the steps below to connect to the meeting.

  • Start Skype and add evo.phone to your contact list.
  • Call evo.phone
  • Once connected, enter the Meeting ID (Phone Bridge ID) with the dial pad. In order to open the dial pad, click on the small triangle next to the volume bar as shown below. This dial pad is not to be confused with the dial pad for making a phone call.


  • After the Meeting ID, press # to connect to the meeting.
  • Your microphone is not muted at the beginning. Please mute it when not speaking.

Phone Bridge

You can join an EVO meeting from a normal phone if you want. See EVO Phone Bridge to find the nearest access number to your location. Call a number and enter the EVO Meeting ID (Phone Bridge ID), which will be distributed by the meeting organizer.

LCGT/Meeting/EVOen (last edited 2010-07-04 22:22:23 by YoichiAso)