Satellite Meeting: How can we improve the sensitivity of KAGRA?
Dec 4th 2017
Room H118, Main Building, Tokyo Tech
13:00-14:00 Overivew
summary of the science case [Komori, 5+15min] slides
- discussion on the overall goal [20min]
summary of the issues for KAGRA+(LF, Heavy, HF) [Michimura, 5+15min] slides
14:00-14:40 HF-1
14:40-15:10 Break
15:10-16:10 HF-2
other issues for HF [Haino, 5+15min]slides
local readout [Somiya, 5+15min] slides
- discussion for HF [20min]
16:10-17:00 Heavy
bigger sapphire [Hirose, 5+10min] slides
- composite mirror [Tanioka, 5+10min]
- discussion for Heavy [20min]
17:00-17:40 LF and Summary
- discussion for LF [30min]
summary of the meeting [Somiya, 10min] slides