Differences between revisions 50 and 259 (spanning 209 versions)
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<<TableOfContents(3)>> = LCGT collaboration meeting =
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= LCGT meeting =
== 第22回 2010年3月1日(月) 午後2時〜5時 ==
 * [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=73|R&Dの戦略(中谷)]]
 * [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=75|5年目計画の報告(大橋)]]
 * [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=74|PLUSの資料(三代木、宮川)]]
 * [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=68|帯域作業部会の報告(安東)]]
== Meeting schedule ==
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== 第21回 2010年2月15日(月) 午後2時〜3時 ==
 * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100215|議事録]]
 .[[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=335|Schedule for 2011]]
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== 第20回 2010年2月1日(月) 午後2時〜 ==
 * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100201|議事録]]
=== Next meeting: Face to face meeting on August 3-5, 2011 ===
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== 第19回 2010年1月18日(月) 午後2時〜 ==
 * [[attachment:PLUS提案.ppt|PLUS提案]]
== 38th(domestic): June 13, 2011(Mon) 14:00~(JST) ==
[[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110613/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ]
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 * [[attachment:minutes100118.pdf|議事録]]

== 第18回 2009年12月14日(月) 午後2時〜 ==

 * [[attachment:minutes091214.pdf|議事録]]

== 第17回 2009年11月10日(月) 午後2時〜 ==
 * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20091110|議事録]]

== 第16回 2009年10月13日(月) 午後2時〜 ==
 * [[attachment:minutes091013.pdf|議事録]]
 1. Projectからの報告(management, support, chief各会議,SEオフィス、重力波推進室) (梶田、宮川、中谷、川村、黒田)
 * 補助光学系作業班の新設について(中谷)
 * 各作業班の現状報告 (各チーフ)
 * 空洞掘削について(大橋)                   
 * 平成23年度予算執行について(大橋)
 * roadmap特別作業班の報告(安東)                         
 * Low frequency Band特別作業班の報告(宗宮)                       
 * LIGO支援要請と海外プロジェクトとの覚書締結状況(GEO)(黒田)                        
 * Program Advisory Board開催について(黒田)
 * 8月f2f meetingについて(宮川)
 * その他
Line 38: Line 27:
== 第15回 2009年9月18日(金) 午後1時〜2時45分 ==
 * [[attachment:config6.pdf|LCGT方針の選択補助資料(宮川、麻生、宗宮、三代木、山本)]]
 * [[attachment:minutes090918-2.pdf|議事録]]
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110613/20110613_LCGT_Meeting.ppt|Laser & Mirror]] (Mio)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110613/20110613_VI.pdf|Vibration Isolation]] (De''''''Salvo)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110613/協力要請項目(BJune2011-4.pdf|Request to LIGO in June, 2011]] (Kuroda)
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== 第14回 2009年9月14日(月) 午前10時〜12時 ==
 * [[attachment:LCGT_090914KK.pdf|LCGT大方針の案(黒田)]]
  . [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2011Aug|F2F meeting program page]]
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== 第13回 2009年9月7日(月) 午後2時00分〜 ==
 * [[attachment:minutes090907.pdf|議事録]]
== 37th(international): May 10, 2011(Tue) 15:00~(JST) ==
[[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ]
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== 第12回 2009年8月17日(月) 午後2時00分〜 ==
 * [[attachment:minutes090817.pdf|議事録]]
 1. Project status report
 * Report of sub working groups
 * Budgetary report
 * Overview report of the Review B
 * Report of Road map and Bandwidth WGs
 * Current design of LCGT (optical interferometer)
 * Collaborations (Agreed MOU, IRSES application, Korean collaborators)
 * Establishment of System Engineering Office
 * Speakers of LCGT status talk in International conferences
 * Disclosing LCGT sensitivity curve on web page
 * Planned meeting of Program Advisory Board (member, date, agenda)
 * Others  
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== 第11回 2009年8月3日(月) 午後2時00分〜 ==
Line 56: Line 53:
 * 補正予算申請の現状
 * 各サブグループの報告
 * その他
 1. [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/Project report-110510-Kajita.pdf|Project status report]] (Kajita)
 * Sub working group reports
  . [[attachment:DataAnalysis_20110510.pdf|Data Analysis]] (Kanda)
  . [[attachment:tunnel reprt110510.pdf|Tunnel]] (Uhciyama)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/VAC110510.pptx|Vacuum]] (Saito)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/VI_110510.pdf|Vibration Isolation]] (Takahashi)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/cryo20110510.ppt|Cryogenic]] (Suzuki)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/20110510_LCGT_Meeting.ppt|Laser & Mirror]] (Mio)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/20110510_MIF.pdf|Main Interferometer]] (Aso)
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/20110510_digital.pdf|Digital]] (Miyakawa)
  . [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=430|Analog]] (Moriwaki)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/Budgetary outlays.pdf|Budgetary outlays]] (Ohashi)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/External_Review_Action_Status_20110510.pdf|Summary of External Review and Current Status of Actions to Report]] (Kawamura)
 * Working group reports
  . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/LCGT-LF.pdf|LCGT-LF]] (Somiya)
  . [[attachment:lcgt110510_roadmap_ando.pdf|Roadmap]] (Ando)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/OCG.pdf|LCGT configuration]] (Somiya)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/Collaboration110510.ppt|Collaboration with other projects]] (Kuroda)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/110510 Collaboration Meeting.pptx|SYSTEM ENGINEERING OFFICE]] (Nakatani)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/Speakers110510.ppt|Speakers of LCGT status talk at international conferences]] (Kuroda)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/LCGT sensitivity limit.pdf|LCGT sensitivity curve on web]] (Miyakawa)
 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110510/PAB_LCM110510.ppt|Program Advisory Board Meeting]] (Kuroda)
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 * [[attachment:minutes090803.pdf|議事録]]
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== 第10回 2009年7月21日(火) 午後2時00分〜 ==
 * [[attachment:minutes090721.pdf|議事録]]
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== 第9回 2009年7月6日(月) 午後2時00分〜 ==
 * [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp:8888/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=28|文書管理システム「JGWDoc」]] (宮川)
 * [[attachment:minutes090706.pdf|議事録]]
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== 第8回 2009年6月8日(月) 午後2時00分〜午後6時00分 ==
==== 資料 ====
 * [[attachment:組組織図_ICD090608.pdf|組織図]]
 * [[attachment:minutes090608.pdf|議事録]]
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== 第7回 2009年5月25日(月) 午後1時30分〜午後2時30分 ==
 * [[attachment:minutes090525.pdf|議事録]]
== 36th(domestic): March 7, 2011(Mon) 14:00~(JST) ==
[[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110307/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ]
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== 第6回 2009年5月11日(月) 午後1時30分〜午後2時30分 ==
==== 場所 ====
  * 宇宙線研究所6階大セミナー室
  * 京大中村さんのTV会議システムをハブとして使用
  * 接続先
    * 京大
    * 宇宙線研
    * 国立天文台 第三会議室
    * KEK
    * 大阪市大
    * 阪大
    * 神岡
 1. Project reports(management, support, chief): Takaaki Kajita, Osamu Miyakawa, Ichiro Nakatani
 1. Report of Review B: Seiji Kawamura
 1. Collaboration status with overseas projects (LIGO, Virgo, Shanghai Normal University, Sannio University, GEO): Kazuaki Kuroda
 1. Double citizenship problem: Kazuaki Kuroda                
 1. Purchasing plan in FY 2011: Masatake Ohashi
 1. Milestone and roadmap: Masaki Ando
 1. Data sharing problem: Nobuyuki Kanda              
 1. Schedule of meetings: Kazuaki Kuroda
 1. Others
Line 91: Line 94:
==== 資料 ====
 * 各コーディネータには現状報告をお願いします。
 * [[attachment:090508作成依頼.doc|ICD作成願い]](中谷)
 . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20110307/report-kajita-110307.pdf|Project report]] (Kajita)
 . [[attachment:lcgt110307_ando.pdf|Roadmap (Ando)]]
 . [[attachment:lcgt110307_ryu.pdf|VIS report (Takahashi)]]
 . [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=394|Tunnel]] (uchiyama)
 . [[attachment:DomesticlMeeting.ppt|Cryo(suzuki)]]
 . [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=395|SEMP]] (Nakatani)
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== 第5回 2009年4月20日(月) 午後1時30分〜午後2時30分 ==
==== 資料 ====
 * [[attachment:Coordinator090414.pdf|組織図]](黒田)
 * [[attachment:Coordinator(090413)_memo.doc|Coordinator会議メモ(2009年4月13日)]](黒田)
 * [[attachment:LCGT_memo.doc|LCGT推進協議会の議事項目と参加者]](黒田)
 * [[attachment:LCGT_rule.doc|LCGT推進協議会規則]](黒田)
 * [[attachment:090420 collaboration MTG.pptx|LCGT行程フェーズ分け]](中谷)
 * [[attachment:minutes090420.pdf|議事録]]
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== 第4回 2009年4月6日(月) 午後1時30分〜午後2時30分 ==
==== 資料 ====
 * [[documents/g/09040601|デジタル制御]]
 * [[attachment:組織図090406_blank.pdf|組織図]]
 * [[attachment:minutes090406.pdf|議事録]]
== Past collaboration meeting ==
 [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/2009|Meetings in FY2008, 2009]]
Line 110: Line 107:
== 第3回 2009年3月9日(月) 午後1時30分〜午後2時30分 ==
 * [[attachment:minutes090309.pdf|議事録]]
 [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/2010|Meetings in 2010]]
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== 第2回 2009年2月23日(月) 午後1時30分〜午後2時30分 ==
 . 1)現状報告と情報交換 2)前回の議題の検討結果の報告(各グループごと)
  * 議題1:予算と工期
  * 議題2:2.7km

 * [[attachment:minutes090223.pdf|議事録]]

== 第1回 2009年2月9日(月) ==
 1. 予算申請申請状況と建設期間短縮の検討について
  * TAMA/CLIO共同作業についての報告
  * その他

 1. [[attachment:minutes090209.pdf|議事録]]
[[LCGT|LCGT wiki top]]

LCGT collaboration meeting

Meeting schedule

Next meeting: Face to face meeting on August 3-5, 2011

38th(domestic): June 13, 2011(Mon) 14:00~(JST)

EVO connection [ help ]


  1. Projectからの報告(management, support, chief各会議,SEオフィス、重力波推進室) (梶田、宮川、中谷、川村、黒田)
  2. 補助光学系作業班の新設について(中谷)
  3. 各作業班の現状報告 (各チーフ)
  4. 空洞掘削について(大橋)                   
  5. 平成23年度予算執行について(大橋)
  6. roadmap特別作業班の報告(安東)                         
  7. Low frequency Band特別作業班の報告(宗宮)                       
  8. LIGO支援要請と海外プロジェクトとの覚書締結状況(GEO)(黒田)                        
  9. Program Advisory Board開催について(黒田)
  10. 8月f2f meetingについて(宮川)
  11. その他


37th(international): May 10, 2011(Tue) 15:00~(JST)

EVO connection [ help ]


  1. Project status report
  2. Report of sub working groups
  3. Budgetary report
  4. Overview report of the Review B
  5. Report of Road map and Bandwidth WGs
  6. Current design of LCGT (optical interferometer)
  7. Collaborations (Agreed MOU, IRSES application, Korean collaborators)
  8. Establishment of System Engineering Office
  9. Speakers of LCGT status talk in International conferences
  10. Disclosing LCGT sensitivity curve on web page
  11. Planned meeting of Program Advisory Board (member, date, agenda)
  12. Others  


  1. Project status report (Kajita)

  2. Sub working group reports
  3. Budgetary outlays (Ohashi)

  4. Summary of External Review and Current Status of Actions to Report (Kawamura)

  5. Working group reports
  6. LCGT configuration (Somiya)

  7. Collaboration with other projects (Kuroda)


  9. Speakers of LCGT status talk at international conferences (Kuroda)

  10. LCGT sensitivity curve on web (Miyakawa)

  11. Program Advisory Board Meeting (Kuroda)

36th(domestic): March 7, 2011(Mon) 14:00~(JST)

EVO connection [ help ]


  1. Project reports(management, support, chief): Takaaki Kajita, Osamu Miyakawa, Ichiro Nakatani
  2. Report of Review B: Seiji Kawamura
  3. Collaboration status with overseas projects (LIGO, Virgo, Shanghai Normal University, Sannio University, GEO): Kazuaki Kuroda
  4. Double citizenship problem: Kazuaki Kuroda                
  5. Purchasing plan in FY 2011: Masatake Ohashi
  6. Milestone and roadmap: Masaki Ando
  7. Data sharing problem: Nobuyuki Kanda              
  8. Schedule of meetings: Kazuaki Kuroda
  9. Others


Past collaboration meeting

LCGT wiki top

LCGT/Meeting/weekly (last edited 2012-06-06 12:12:28 by OsamuMiyakawa)