Interferometer Parameters
Old parameter sets (before 2010)
(Classical-noise parameters are here) Parameter LCGT VRSE-D1 LCGT VRSE-B units Laser source Wave length 1064 nm Initial Laser Power 150 W Injecting Laser Power into IFO 78.48 (in total), 75 (carrier) W Modulation depth 0.3 for both RF freq 1 11.25M (PM) Hz RF freq 2 45.00M (PM) Hz MC1 length 13.324109 m MC2 length m MC1 Finesse MC2 Finesse Parameters of interferometer Arm cavity Finesse 1550 Arm power gain Arm power (single arm)2 420.5 kW Arm cavity cut-off frequency Hz PR gain 11 PRC power on BS W PR cavity cut-off frequency Hz PR-Arm cut-off frequency Hz SR gain 11 Signal band Hz MICH contrast Other losses in PRC Other losses in SRC Cavity Length Arm cavity length 3006.69 m PR cavity length 73.2826 m Asymmetry length 3.33103 m BS-FM length 25 m SR cavity length 73.2826 m SRC detuning phase 86.5 90.0 degree Mirror geometries EM mass 30 kg FM mass 30 kg PRM mass kg SRM mass kg BS mass kg EM ROC 7113.900 m FM ROC 7113.900 m FM AR ROC m PRM ROC m SRM ROC m BS ROC Infinity m EM radius/thickness 25 / 15 cm FM radius/thickness 25 / 15 cm PRM radius/thickness cm SRM radius/thickness cm BS radius/thickness cm Mirror optical properties EM Reflectivity 0.999945 FM Reflectivity 0.996 PRM Reflectivity 0.9 SRM Reflectivity 0.8464 = 0.922 BS Reflectivity 0.5 HR Coating Loss of EM, FM, PRM and SRM 45e-6 BS Loss 100e-6 Transmissivity 1 - R - Loss AR Transmissivity 0.999 AR Coating Loss Bulk loss (absorption) (large optics ??? for Sapphire: ???FM, EM) ppm Bulk loss (absorption) (small optics ??? for Fused Silica: ???) ppm Output Mode Cleaner OMC length 1.5 m OMC Finesse 2000 OMC input/output mirror reflectivity OMC end mirror reflectivity OMC MC FSR ??? MHz DC readout phase 134.7 121.8 degree Control Bandwidth Quantum efficiency 0.9 CARM control band width 30k Hz DARM control band width 200 Hz PRC control band width 50 Hz MICH control band width 50 Hz SRC control band width 50 Hz Feed-Forward gain -0.97 (openloop) 1/(1-0.97) = 30 (closed loop)
1.1 × 104
3.4 ???
To do list to define parameters for 2009
Arm power was defined by sum of both arm powers. It should be a stored power of single arm. (2)