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Revision 1 as of 2010-07-01 10:33:42
Size: 106
Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 3 as of 2010-07-01 13:14:55
Size: 557
Editor: YoichiAso
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FSR of the arm cavities and the RF sideband frequencies must be chosen so that the sidebands are non-resonant to the arm cavities.
In addition, the higher order modes of the arm cavities must not overlap with the RF sidebands. Otherwise, misalignments of the arms
can resonate sidebands in the arms and introduce some instability or noise.

== Relative location of HOMs and sideband harmonics ==


Higher order mode check

FSR of the arm cavities and the RF sideband frequencies must be chosen so that the sidebands are non-resonant to the arm cavities. In addition, the higher order modes of the arm cavities must not overlap with the RF sidebands. Otherwise, misalignments of the arms can resonate sidebands in the arms and introduce some instability or noise.

Relative location of HOMs and sideband harmonics



LCGT/subgroup/ifo/ISC/TaskList/SpatialMode/SpatialModeDesign/HOMCheck (last edited 2010-12-08 12:56:23 by YoichiAso)