

GW research exchange meeting


Upcoming GW-REMs

The 96th REM: sometime in April

The 95th REM: Mar./22nd/2019, Fri.

94th REM: Feb./22nd/2019, Fri.

The past GW REM talks

93rd REM: June/15/2018, Fri.

92nd REM June/1/2018, Fri.

91st Dec./8/2018, Fri.

90the Oct./20/2017, Fri.

89the Jul./28/2017, Fri.

88th June/23/2017, Fri.

87th May/26/2017, Fri.

86th Apr./28/2017, Fri.

85th Mar./3rd/2017, Fri.

84th Feb./17th/2017, Fri.

83rd Jan/27th/2017, Fri.

82nd Mar./4/2016, Fri.

81st Jan./29th/2016, Fri.

Talks in the past