KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC)

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KSC board / KAGRA collaborators / KSC members

Committees / Working Groups / completed committees / LVK committees / Organization Chart

Rules and Regulations / Documents / Newsletter / Links / KSC members

List of collaboration open data

Objectives of KSC

KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC) is the decision making body of KAGRA collaborators. The aims of KSC are to discuss and to make decisions upon KAGRA science.

In addition, KSC manage and maintain the collaboration itself.

KSC board

Working groups and committees in KSC

Working groups in KSC

Joint Working committees with LIGO/Virgo (Oct 2019 - )

Completed committees

KSC organization chart

KSC organization chart (2019/October 4)

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations (KSC)



Collaboration Open Data

KAGRA collaborators


KSC members