Differences between revisions 3 and 14 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2013-07-03 14:35:26
Size: 10037
Revision 14 as of 2013-08-06 12:53:27
Size: 8484
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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   *Fill in your login name/password.
   *Ask any KAGRA members when you don't know your login name/password.
   * You need login name/password.
   * Ask any KAGRA members around you if you don't know login name/password.
Line 11: Line 11:
2. ''' Click ''Reserve Number'' or ''Upload Document'' above '''
   *If you click ''Reserve Number'', you can get a Document number. You don't need to upload the file then, you can upload the document file by getting a number and putting it in the document.
   *If you click ''Upload'', you go to the webpage for uploading directly. Then you have to upload the file inevitably.  
      * /!\ Please upload with ''Reserve Number'' if possible so that we can recognize the document by the number even later.
   * items with * are indispensable.
2. ''' Click ''Reserve Number'' or ''Upload Document'' at the top in the page '''
   * When you click ''Reserve Number'', you can reserve a Document number and you don't need to upload the file right now. You can upload your document files later. You get a JGW number here and put the number in your document, then you can upload.
   * When you click ''Upload'', you have to upload your document in the next step.  
      * /!\ In general, please use ''Reserve Number'' if possible, so that we can know the document number when we see the document.
   * You are required items with * .
Line 18: Line 18:
   * Japanese capable.
   * The present year will be in by default if you don't enter any.
   * The Doc number of the year 2009 will be G0900xxx. Past documents, for example the one written in 2003, please enter 2003. Then it will be G0300xxx.
   * The present year will be shown by default. If this year is 2013, the document number will be G130xxxx.
    * If you put other year in the document number, please put the year you like to put. For example, if you put 2009, the document number will be G090xxxx.
Line 22: Line 21:
4. ''' Choose the file '''
   * Plural files can be chosen. ''Descriprion'', ''Main'' can be as it is.
   * The file cannot be uploaded by choosing ''Resreve Document'' above and reserve a number. Open the number on JGWDoc again after reserving a number and click '' Create a new version '' on the left to upload the document.
4. ''' Upload the file '''
   * If you have multiple files you can select files up to 6. Please ignore ''Descriprion'', ''Main'' section.
   * The file cannot be uploaded if you chose ''Resreve Document'' above. Open the page you made with reserved number on JGWDoc, then click '' Create a new version '' on the left column to upload the document.
   * /!\ Do not use Japanese character in the file name. It will cause a trouble on the system, and files can not be uploaded.

5. ''' Document Type '''
   * Please select G for the normal presentation and T for the technical documents. This classification of Document Type will be the first letter of the document number you will get later.
   * /!\ You cannot change the document number once you get the number. (Please do not hesitate to get a new number if you make a mistake.)
Line 26: Line 30:
6. ''' Submitter and Authors '''
   * /!\ You can pick up multiple authors by control key for Windows, command key for Mac.
   * /!\ You can register your name if you do not see your name in the Authors list. From [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/DocumentDatabase|Top page]], click the [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ListAuthors|Authors]] in the middle, then click [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/AuthorAddForm|(Add a new author)]] on the 3rd line. In the case if you do not see your institute name, please contact to Osamu. Currently only administrator can add institute names.

7. ''' View '''
   * "Public" will be selected by default and the document will be open to public.
   * Chose "upload" or "upload and admin" in the case that you would like to open only to KAGRA collaborators.

8. ''' Modify '''
   * Modify defines groups which can update documents later.
   * Usually, please choose "upload" or "upload and admin".
   * /!\ If you selected only "admin", documents cannot be updated without asking administrator.
   * /!\ Do not select only "update" for view and only "admin" for Modify. Anybody won't be able to update the documents after all because documents cannot be seen with admin authority and cannot be updated with upload authority. We don't have any solution of this problem so far.

9. ''' Topics '''
   * Select at least one topic.
   * Select Management if necessary.
   * Select "conference" for big conferences or international conferences and "meeting" for other small meetings.
   * Ask Osamu if you would like to add other items.

10. ''' Enter Related Documents (if you have need) '''
   * Enter 'docid' in the box of ''Related Documents'' if you have any related documents.
   * 'docid' is the paticular 1-5 digits number which is attached to each document. Please refer to the explanation below.
   * You can refer to multiple related documents by putting multiple docid separated by space.
   * {i} It is convenient that referred documents can have automatically links from which referred.

Please fill in other items by your self.

Currently, you cannot delete files because of the security reasons even if you upload by mistake. Please contact Osmau when you need to delete the file by some reason. Also, you cannot delete or change the document number once you get. When you get a number by mistake, don't hesitate to get a new number again.
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       1. ''' ファイルを選択'''
   * 複数ある場合は複数選択します。''Description'', ''Main''はそのままで構いません。
   * 上で''Reserve Document''を選んで番号を予約するだけの場合は、ファイルをアップロードできません。番号を予約してから、再度JGWDoc上で予約された番号を開き、左側の''Create a new version''をクリックして、文書をアップロードして下さい。
   * /!\ ファイル名での日本語使用はやめてください。文字化けの原因になり、ファイルがうまくアップロードされません。
 1. ''' Document Typeを選択'''
  * 通常のプレゼンはG、文書はTでいいでしょう。このDocument Typeの分類は、後に付けられる文書番号の一番最初の文字となります。
  * /!\ 文書番号は一度決まるとあとから変更できません。(もし間違えてしまった場合は新しい番号を取り直して下さい。)
 1. '''SubmitterとAuthorsを選択'''
  * {i} Authorsはwindowsならコンロールキーで、Macならcommandで複数選択できます。
  * {i} Authoursの欄に自分の名前がない場合は、登録することができます。[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/DocumentDatabase|Topページ]]から中程のList:下の[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ListAuthors|Authors]]をクリックし、上から3行目の[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/AuthorAddForm|(Add a new author)]]をクリックして下さい。その際、自分が所属するInstituteが存在しない場合は宮川までお知らせ下さい。
 1. '''Viewの選択'''
  * デフォルトでPublicが選ばれ全ての人に公開されます。
  * KAGRAのコラボレータにのみ公開したい場合はuploadもしくはuploadとadminを選んでください。
 1. '''Modifyの選択'''
  * Modifyはあとから文書を更新できるグループを定義します。
  * 通常はuploadもしくはuploadとadminを選んで下さい。
  * /!\ adminだけ選んでしまうと、管理者に連絡しないと文書の更新ができなくなってしまいます。
  * /!\ viewにuploadのみ、Modifiにadminのみを選ぶのは避けて下さい。admin権限では文書が見えなくなり、upload権限では更新できないので、これ以降その文書に対する更新が全てできなくなってしまいます。この問題の解決方法は今のところ見つかっていません。
 1. '''Topicsの選択'''
  * Topicsを最低一つ選んで下さい。
  * Managementは必要があれば選んで下さい。
  * 学会や国際会議等はconference、その他小さい会議等はmeetingを選択。
  * 追加したい項目等があれば宮川まで言って下さい。

 1. '''Related Documentsの入力(もしあれば)'''
  * もし関連した文書があれば、''Related Documents''の欄に関連文書のdocidを入れて下さい。
  * docidについては下にも説明がありますが、個々の文書に付いている1-5桁の固有の番号です。
  * スペースで区切ることで複数の関連文書を参照できます。
  * {i} 参照された側も、どこから参照されたのか表示されるので非常に便利です。


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次にアップした文書の確認と更新ですが、 1. '''Put your name in the search box on the top page (click "DocDB Home" on top in any page of JGWDoc)'''
Line 69: Line 67:
  1. '''トップページ(上部のDocDB Homeを押す)の検索に自分の名前を入れる。'''
  1. ''' もしくは上部のList Recen Changes等から出てきたリストから今アップした文書を選択。'''
   * 自分がアップしたファイル名が表示されていればアップロード成功です。
   * アドレスは{{{http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=18}}} のような形になります。
    * 最後のdocidが個々の文書番号になります。
2. '''Or select the uploaded document from the list shown if you click "List Recen Changes" on top page .'''
   * You have succeeded in uploading If the document you uploaded is shown.
   * Direct URL will be like {{{http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=18}}}.
      Last docid=XXXX is the particular document number.
Line 75: Line 72:
  2. '''文書の更新は今のページで左にあるCreate a new versionというのを押して下さい。'''
   * アップロード時と同様の画面になるのでファイルを新たに選択してアップして下さい。
   * /!\ もしこのCreate a new versionが出てこない場合は登録時にModifyにupload以外を選んでしまった場合(同ページ右のModifarable byのところに「upload」と出てなければそうです)ですので、その場合は宮川までご連絡ください。
3. '''Click "Create a new version" on the left of the page if you want to update your documents.'''
   * The similar page when you uploaded will be shown, so please select and upload new files.
   * /!\ If you cannot see "Create a new version", probably you selected "admin" in 'Modify' section when you uploaded or reserved a number. (If you do not see, "upload" on "Modifarable by" in the right column. Then please contact Osamu.)
Line 79: Line 76:
  3. '''ちょっとしたアブストラクトの更新や著者の追加等は、同じページ左のChange DB Infoから行えます。''' 4. '''Go to "Change DB Info" on the left of the page to renew the abstruct or add theh author.
Line 81: Line 78:
{i} ここで紹介したページは全てアップロード専用ページです。違いはhttp://...のcgi-binのあとにprivateがあるかないかです。
{i} All the pages which were shown here are private pages for uploading. They have "private" after "cgi-bin" of "http://...". People who don't have the right to upload can not see the private pages.
Line 84: Line 80:
{i} 一般の人にも見えるようにするためには、以下のようにアドレスからprivateという部分を削除したリンクを知らせて下さい。そうすると、アップロード権限のない一般の方もアクセスできるようになります。 {i} To show the pages to people who don't have the right to upload, tell them the link deleted "private" from the address as follows. Then they will be able to access the page.
Line 86: Line 82:
 . 例えば今置いた文書があるページのアドレスが     For example, if the address of the page that you uploaded the file on is :
Line 88: Line 85:
  . {{{ http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=18 }}}
. なら
    It will be :
Line 91: Line 88:
  . {{{ http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=18 }}}     The page will be open to the public only in the case that "private" is in the address if you choose "upload" not "public" when you upload. You can check in that way whether the page is open or not.
Line 93: Line 90:
 . となります。アップロード時、Viewに「public」でなく、「upload」を選んだ時はprivateがアドレスに入っているときのみ見えて、入ってないと見えなくなるので一般の人には公開されません。それも確認してみて下さい。

Back to JGWDoc top page

How to upload a document file to JGW Doc

How to Upload a file

1. Access to JGW Document Database

  • You need login name/password.
  • Ask any KAGRA members around you if you don't know login name/password.

2. Click Reserve Number or Upload Document at the top in the page

  • When you click Reserve Number, you can reserve a Document number and you don't need to upload the file right now. You can upload your document files later. You get a JGW number here and put the number in your document, then you can upload.

  • When you click Upload, you have to upload your document in the next step.  

    • /!\ In general, please use Reserve Number if possible, so that we can know the document number when we see the document.

  • You are required items with * .

3. Enter the Title and Abstract

  • The present year will be shown by default. If this year is 2013, the document number will be G130xxxx.
    • If you put other year in the document number, please put the year you like to put. For example, if you put 2009, the document number will be G090xxxx.

4. Upload the file

  • If you have multiple files you can select files up to 6. Please ignore Descriprion, Main section.

  • The file cannot be uploaded if you chose Resreve Document above. Open the page you made with reserved number on JGWDoc, then click Create a new version on the left column to upload the document.

  • /!\ Do not use Japanese character in the file name. It will cause a trouble on the system, and files can not be uploaded.

5. Document Type

  • Please select G for the normal presentation and T for the technical documents. This classification of Document Type will be the first letter of the document number you will get later.
  • /!\ You cannot change the document number once you get the number. (Please do not hesitate to get a new number if you make a mistake.)

6. Submitter and Authors

  • /!\ You can pick up multiple authors by control key for Windows, command key for Mac.

  • /!\ You can register your name if you do not see your name in the Authors list. From Top page, click the Authors in the middle, then click (Add a new author) on the 3rd line. In the case if you do not see your institute name, please contact to Osamu. Currently only administrator can add institute names.

7. View

  • "Public" will be selected by default and the document will be open to public.
  • Chose "upload" or "upload and admin" in the case that you would like to open only to KAGRA collaborators.

8. Modify

  • Modify defines groups which can update documents later.
  • Usually, please choose "upload" or "upload and admin".
  • /!\ If you selected only "admin", documents cannot be updated without asking administrator.

  • /!\ Do not select only "update" for view and only "admin" for Modify. Anybody won't be able to update the documents after all because documents cannot be seen with admin authority and cannot be updated with upload authority. We don't have any solution of this problem so far.

9. Topics

  • Select at least one topic.
  • Select Management if necessary.
  • Select "conference" for big conferences or international conferences and "meeting" for other small meetings.
  • Ask Osamu if you would like to add other items.

10. Enter Related Documents (if you have need)

  • Enter 'docid' in the box of Related Documents if you have any related documents.

  • 'docid' is the paticular 1-5 digits number which is attached to each document. Please refer to the explanation below.
  • You can refer to multiple related documents by putting multiple docid separated by space.
  • {i} It is convenient that referred documents can have automatically links from which referred.

Please fill in other items by your self.

Currently, you cannot delete files because of the security reasons even if you upload by mistake. Please contact Osmau when you need to delete the file by some reason. Also, you cannot delete or change the document number once you get. When you get a number by mistake, don't hesitate to get a new number again.

How to Check, Update and Modify files

1. Put your name in the search box on the top page (click "DocDB Home" on top in any page of JGWDoc)

2. Or select the uploaded document from the list shown if you click "List Recen Changes" on top page .

  • You have succeeded in uploading If the document you uploaded is shown.
  • Direct URL will be like http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=18.

    • Last docid=XXXX is the particular document number.

3. Click "Create a new version" on the left of the page if you want to update your documents.

  • The similar page when you uploaded will be shown, so please select and upload new files.
  • /!\ If you cannot see "Create a new version", probably you selected "admin" in 'Modify' section when you uploaded or reserved a number. (If you do not see, "upload" on "Modifarable by" in the right column. Then please contact Osamu.)

4. Go to "Change DB Info" on the left of the page to renew the abstruct or add theh author.

{i} All the pages which were shown here are private pages for uploading. They have "private" after "cgi-bin" of "http://...". People who don't have the right to upload can not see the private pages.

{i} To show the pages to people who don't have the right to upload, tell them the link deleted "private" from the address as follows. Then they will be able to access the page.





  •  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=30|LCGT design document Ver 3.0]]

 [[  ]] に囲まれた部分がリンク先となります。| (縦線)をいれると、|のあとの文書のみが表示され、|以前の部分は表示されません。例えば上の例はJGW番号T0900030のLCGT design documentへのリンクが張られています。docid=30の所の30という番号をT0900030の下の桁の30という番号は一致します。このように書くと常に最新バージョンにリンクが張られます。ある特定のバージョンにリンクを張りたい場合等は

  •  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=30&version=1|LCGT design document old version]]



  •  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=30|LCGT design document Ver 3.0]]


Wikiへの書き込み方の例 --会議等の場合--


JGWDoc/HowTo/UpLoadE (last edited 2019-02-23 11:24:52 by KiwamuIzumi)