Step 5: Demodulate a calibration line

   1 demod_rate  = 16 # compute_factors_sr in Hz
   2 demod_filt  = 20 # demodulation_filter_time in second
   3 line_freq   = 15 # line_freq
   4 td          = True  # Using time-domain filter                                  
   6 compute_factors_sr     = 1   # Output sampling rate in Hz
   7 factors_averaging_time = 10  # factors_averaging_time in second
   8 median_smoothing_time  = 128 # median_smoothing_time in second
  10 integ_samples   = int(demod_filt) * demod_rate
  11 fac_ave_samples = int(factors_averaging_time) * demod_rate
  12 med_smt_samples = int(median_smoothing_time)  * demod_rate
  14 ###
  16 cin = cp.hook_up(pipeline, demux, chan_in, instrument, buf_length)
  17 cin = cp.caps_and_progress(pipeline, cin, capsf, "input")
  19 cin_line = cp.demodulate(pipeline, cin, line_freq, td, capsz, integ_samples)
  20 rline,iline = cp.split_into_real(pipeline, cin_line)
  22 rlsq = pp.mkpow(pipeline, rline, exponent = 2)
  23 ilsq = pp.mkpow(pipeline, iline, exponent = 2)
  24 kapp = cp.mkadder(pipeline, cp.list_srcs(pipeline, [rlsq, queue], [ilsq, queue]))
  25 kapp = pp.mkpow(pipeline, kapp, exponent = 0.5)
  27 skp  = pp.mkgeneric(pipeline, kapp, "lal_smoothkappas",\
  28                     default_kappa_re = 0, default_kappa_im = 0,\
  29                     array_size = med_smt_samples,\
  30                     avg_array_size = fac_ave_samples, default_to_median = 1)
  32 skp  = cp.mkresample(pipeline, skp, 0, False, capsl)
  34 pp.mknxydumpsink(pipeline, skp, options.output)

> kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/demod --help
Usage: demod [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cache=cache         Set the name of the LAL cache listing the frame files
                        Set the start time of the segment to analyze in GPS
                        Set the end time of the segment to analyze in GPS
  --ifo=name            Name of the IFO (default= K1)
  --channel=name        Set input channel name (default= CAL-
  --line-freq=freq      Set line frequency to demodulate (default= 15)
  --output=name         Set output file name (default= line.txt)
  --ch-rate=rate        Set input channel data rate (default= 16384)
                        Sample rate at which calibration factors are computed.
                        (Default = 16 Hz)
  --out-rate=rate       Set output data rate (default= 1)
                        Length in seconds of low-pass FIR filter used in
                        demodulation of the calibration lines. (Default = 20
                        Time (in seconds) over which to average the smoothed
                        time-varying calibration factors. (Default = 10
                        Time (in seconds) to smooth out \kappas with a median-
                        like method. (Default = 128 s)

> kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/demod --cache=k1.cache --line-freq=15 --demodulation-filter-time=2 --factors-averaging-time=2 --median-smoothing-time=2
GPS:  1209288320 1209288352
line_freq=  15.0  demod_filt=  2
factors_averaging_time=  2  median_smoothing_time=  2
seeking GPS start and stop times ...
setting pipeline state to playing ...
set to playing successfully
running pipeline ...
progress_src_input (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)

> head line.txt
1209288329.000000000    0
1209288330.000000000    3.560465675995634e-12
1209288331.000000000    7.646600407236563e-12
1209288332.000000000    8.539456647868739e-12
1209288333.000000000    8.575756283841539e-12
1209288334.000000000    7.98591111548684e-12
1209288335.000000000    7.453681848598155e-12
1209288336.000000000    7.295988171755139e-12
1209288337.000000000    8.008110390651456e-12
1209288338.000000000    8.639079959287761e-12

> kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/lines --dirn=demod --output=lines.png 
freq,aref=  15 0.20679702541
freq,aref=  51 0.156144672263
freq,aref=  94 0.0959660527234

Normalized amplitude of calibration lines