Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2016/7/22
2016/7/22 13:30 - @ Room 210
Progress report
Type-A (Takahashi)
Type-B (Mark)
- Put a report here
Type-Bp (Shoda)
- Put a report here
IMMT (Ohishi)
- Put a report here
Watchdog system (Tanaka)
- Put a report here
- Any issue ?
- Inertial Sensors for Type-B (Fabian)
- Wide OSEM production and test plan (Akutsu, Aso)
- Steps
- Test assemble a few (Akutsu)
- Noise check (Who ?)
- Change the supply current of a satellite amplifier (find the optimal value for the wide OSEM).
- Calibration
- Noise measurements
- Mass production of wide OSEMs (Akutsu)
- Calibration and simple noise check
- Ship to Kamioka
- Change the supply current of the satellite amplifiers (who ?)
- Deadline for delivery ?
- Steps
Site work plan for the next week
- Mon:
- Tue:
- Wed:
- Thu:
- Fri:
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 7/25):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark: 25-29 ?
- Fabian: 25-29 ?
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 8/1):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark: 1 - 5 ?
- Fabian: 1 - 5 ?
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Ohishi:
Next meeting
2016/7/29(Fri) 13:30 -