Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2016/10/14
2016/10/14 13:30 -
Participants: Fabian, Mark, Takahashi, Okutomi, Sato, Aso, Hirata, Tanaka, Fujii
Progress report
Type-A (Takahashi)
- Pre-isolator: The sensitivity measurement of ACC is on going at the site.
- EQ stop, release sensor, dummy payload: Production is on going.
- Bottom Filter: Assembly of the second BF was finished. SUS bearings were delivered.
- BF damper: The bidding was announced on 14th. Open bidding is on 9th November.
- Maraging wire: We asked Obuchi-san redesign of the wire for Type-A with safety margin of 2.
- Installation: Review on the installation procedure will be held on 4th November.
Type B (Mark)
- Type B Past Week Summary
- Fabian, Mark and Liu-kun did BS installation at Kamioka:
- Built up the security structure to the ring below the BF.
- Adjusted the crossbeams below the BF and installed the jacks and pushrods to support the BF.
- Craned in the BF.
- Hung the top plate of the IRM.
- Practiced hooking the BF-IM maraging rod (by lowering the BF with the jacks) - success. Need to redo with hexagon cable clamp.
- Took TFs from L, P and actuation at the RM to all DOFs at the BS.
- Hirata-san:
- Made 3D models of (revised) stub flag gluing jigs.
- (For other groups)
- Assembled two BFs.
- Made drawings of PRM inner frame.
- Mark checked lots of drawings by Hirata-san.
- Mark worked on schedule.
- Mark added the DIO card to a draft of the BS electronics diagram, D1503600. At first it appeared that the pinouts of the LPCD DIO connectors were completely incompatible with the DIO card cables, but it turns out (according to Miyakawa) that the LPCD chassis has a secret interface board (JGW-D1504332) not shown in the chassis drawing which should make everything work.
- Fabian, Mark and Liu-kun did BS installation at Kamioka:
- Longer term to-do list
- Do Inventor assembly for SRx in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata) - SR2/SR3 DONE, SRM ongoing.
- Part "disk security" top has to be modified - screw positions do not match.
- Write more of payload assembly procedure (Fabian) - ONGOING
Write more of BS Assembly Procedure E1504235, E1504235 draft (Mark) - ONGOING
- Lower breadboard installation to be incorporated into the procedure document.
- Work on BS simulation (Fabian)
- Do BS Simulink model (Mark, Kokeyama) - TM/IM/BF level DONE
- Do 2D drawings of SR2 parts (Hirata)
- Redesign SRx IM wire clamps for larger prisms, remachined RMs
- Order SRM/PRM parts (Hirata/Shoda)
- Order SRx fasteners (Hirata)
- Do Inventor assembly for SRx in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata) - SR2/SR3 DONE, SRM ongoing.
Type-Bp (Shoda)
- Modification parts
- waiting for closing of the call
- Stab flags and other mirror related parts
Hirata-san made the drawing. -> Can we move to the order process?
Assembly frame & Optical bench
- Asking the cost estimate
- Making the drawings necessary for the ordering process.
- New OB installation jig design is updated. How do you think?
- Fag removing jig
- On going.
IMMT (Ohishi)
- 2D/3D drawings
- Uploaded slightly simplified (=some parts removed) step and dwg files of TAMA TM/RM type suspension to Dropbox (Subsystems/VIS/TypeC/).
- Please notice there still remain some small mistakes.
- Uploaded slightly simplified (=some parts removed) step and dwg files of TAMA TM/RM type suspension to Dropbox (Subsystems/VIS/TypeC/).
- Transfer function of Pitch-Pitch and Yaw-Yaw of IMMT suspensions as iKAGRA ETMs
Fitting was done by Kasuya-san, Hisatomi-san, and Shimoi-san.
Kasuya-san kindly wrote How to use LISO in Japanese.
- Compared with TAMA data, phase delayed at higher frequencies.
- Discussed movable range of the mirror system with equipped xy stages.
- Originally the xy stages move mirror system (Mirror/IM/Magnet box/coil support) +/-2.5mm.
- MIF people require +/-1cm.
Watchdog system (Tanaka)
- Put a report here
- Any issue ?
- Maraging and SUS rod issue follow up.
- Order status: Type-B Maraging rods, SUS rods
- Type-A Maraging rod re-optimization status (Takahashi)
- Nail head diameter 9mm (possible ?)
Site work plan for the next week
- Mon: BS test hanging
- Tue: BS test hanging
- Wed: BS test hanging
- Thu: BS test hanging
- Fri: BS test hanging
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 10/17):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark: 17-21
- Fabian: 17-21
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 10/24):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark: 24-27 (BS)
- Fabian: 24-27 (BS)
- Okutomi: 24-27 (PI realtime model development)
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Ohishi:
Next meeting
2016/10/21(Fri) 13:30 - VIS F2F: Oct. 28, Nov. 18, Dec. 2