Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2017/12/8
2017/12/8 13:30 - 15:30
Participants: Takahashi, Mark, Okutmi, Sato, Ohishi, Fabian, Tanaka, Hirata, Shoda, Enzo, Aso, Ishizaki, Raffaele
Progress report
Schedule Chart
- Type-A: X-End close the chamber after the accelerometer checks are done (the end of the next week).
- Type-B: SR2 gluing in the next week
Type-A (Takahashi)
Past week report
- Installed the PI into the chamber.
- Hooked the wires for filter and SF damper to the receptacles.
- Cabled from the wire clamp on wire to the feedthroughs and checked connections.
- Adjusted the position of bottom anchor and the yaw rotation of BF damper.
- Tuned the TF.
- Reassembled the BF damper.
- Checked the ACCs with the drivers.
- Set the stepping motor drivers.
- Tuned the BF, the F3. and the TF.
- Adjusted the yaw rotation of BF damper.
- Released the IP. Adjusted the DC position.
- Closed the top chamber.
Plan for coming weeks
- X-end: Install the ACCs. Close the chambers. (Okutomi, Takahashi)
- Y-end: Align the cryo-payload. (Teach CRY how to operate stepper motors)
- X-front: Preparation works (Ishizaki, Sato)
Type B (Mark)
Past week report
- Mark analyzed the QPD data from Friday 12/1 and derived matrices to diagonalize the QPD, and calibrate output in µrad. In the process an error in the IM OSEM diagonalization was discovered: the P and Y gains were low by a factor 2.
- Mark re-zeroed the QPD after noting the micrometer readings so we can do TFs over the weekend.
- We prepared for the SR2 gluing:
- We aligned the SR2 in the box with the wedge on the correct side.
- We checked that the remachined BS prism holders fit on the PR2 mirror box.
- We checked that with Tatsumi-san's support ring, the prisms would go on at the right height.
- We checked the new magnet jigs.
- We glued ferromagnetic disks in a large number of IM flag tips and flag bases, and in the SR magnet jigs.
- We also glued SR magnets in the magnet bases.
- Hirata-san worked on procurement of magnets, payload parts, and also got the delivery of the ferromagnetic disks expedited so we could have them this week.
Plan for week of 12/11
- Mark, Fabian, Enzo, Kozu-kun (Mon-Thu only), Hirata-san, Shoda-san at Kamioka.
- Mirror gluing.
- IM assembly and pico test.
- Assembly frame alignment and optical table centering.
- Move trolley system from SR3.
- OL setup.
Plan for week of 12/18
- Shoda-san vacation
- Mark, Fabian, Enzo, Kozu-kun at Kamioka Mon-Wed.
Vacation Info
- Mark 12/22-1/3
Enzo, 12/21-12/27 (but not 12/28)
- Fabian 12/22-1/5
- Hirata-san 12/21-22 (conference)
- Shoda-san 12/18-21
Type-Bp (Shoda)
Past week report
PR3 slipped so often during the IM adjustment -> optic was fixed to the RM.
Plan for coming weeks
OMMT & OSTM (Ohishi)
Past week report
Plan for coming weeks
Watchdog system (Tanaka)
Past week report
Retest in Mitaka.-->There is no problem in operation test at all(The result is the same this week as well!!).
Start ordering mass production version.-->Ongoing(Formal request for quotation from the vendors.).
- Waiting for arrival of mailing(by paper quotation).
Plan for coming weeks
Plan the operation test again at KAGRA-->
- Actual test of WD operation(Retest).
The next on site test of the WDS: From 12/12(Tue) - 14(Thu) 11th:In Toyama,12th-14th:Kamioka,15th:Preparation day(Toyama->Tokyo).
Other site works
- Incidents:
- Foreseen risks
- Type-A:
- Type-B:
- Type-Bp:
2nd Brainstorming on how to exchange the payload part without completely disassembling the suspension chain
- We prefer the unhooking procedure because it will not require a new design of the winch system.
What to do with the Type-Bp tilt change ?
- Virgo had a similar problem
- They now measure the tension of each wire when suspending a mirror. They relieve the tension a bit by gently pushing the mirror from the bottom. Then the mirror is lowered to fully load the wires. They repeat this up-and-down exercise until the tensions on the wires are the same.
- In KAGRA we will probably be able to lift up the mirror a bit by pushing it with EQ stop screws.
- We do not have a tension measuring device. However, picking a wire and measuring the vibration with an electric guitar pickup will give us an idea of the tension.
- It is not clear if the slip of the wire loops in the bottom half of the mirror is responsible for the tilt change.
- For SR2 hanging, we will try the Virgo technique. We will not apply glue on the bottom of the mirror.
- In parallel, we should investigate if there is any slip in the IM wire clamps. We may want to set up an experiment to detect slips in the clamp. We should consider what kind of experiment is adequate.
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 12/11):
- Takahashi: 11-13
- Okutomi: 11-15
- Sato: 11-15
- Ishizaki: 11-15
- Mark: 11-15
- Fabian: 11-15
- Hirata: 11-15
- Enzo: 11-15
- Shoda: 11-15
- Ohishi:
- Fujii:
- Tanaka: 12-14
- Kozu (ICRR): 11-13
- Travel (Week of 12/18):
- Takahashi: 18 - 22
- Okutomi: 18 - 22
- Sato: 18 - 22
- Ishizaki: 18 - 22
- Mark: 18 - 20
- Fabian: 18 - 20
- Hirata: 18 - 20
- Enzo: 18 - 20
- Shoda:
- Ohishi:
- Fujii:
- Tanaka:
- Kozu (ICRR): 18 - 20
- Arai (ICRR):
Next meeting
On 2017/12/15(Fri) from 15:00 @ Control Room