Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2018/10/12
2018/10/12 13:30 - 14:45
Participants: Mark, Takahashi, Sato, Aso, Arai, Lucia, Eleonora, Fabian, Terrence, Hirata, Fujii, Panwei, Enzo, Okutomi, Ohishi
Progress report
Schedule Chart
Type-A : (PDF/MPP)
Type-B: (PDF/MPP)
Type-C: (XLSX)
Type-A (Takahashi)
Past week report
- Tied the cables into a bundle around the wire.
- Attached the secondary coils for the BF damper.
- Dismounted the ACCs from the IP.
- The cryo-payload (CP) was installed into the cryostat and the wire was connected to the CP.
- Adjusted the weight of CP for the optimal load of BF.
- Adjusted the height of TF keystone.
- Added the ballast ring of 19mm on the IP.
- Adjusted the yaw position of the BF damper by rotating the receptacle in TF.
- Released the IP and adjusted the horizontal position.
- Adjusted the height of BF keystone by the FR.
- Aligned the TM by the yaw picomotor in the BF.
- Started the evacuation of chamber on 10th.
Plan for coming weeks
- Assembly of the geophone pods and installation.
- Replace the FR arm (in the week of Oct. 22)
Type B (Mark)
Report for week of 10/8
- This was Panwei's last week (for now at least) - thanks for all the help!
- Thanks also to Terrence for visiting again for the week.
- Terrence and Mark finished setting up the LEN half of the OL (Simon had roughly placed the components). They ran a new cable for LEN in the cable tray and relaid the cable for TILT to get it off the floor.
- Terrence worked on diagonalizing the LEN OL. A report is forthcoming.
- Lucia and Eleonora closed the loop on the IP LVDTs.
- Mark installed a pair of power supplies in the SRM and copied settings across to the SRM real-time model.
- Fabian did lots of rack cabling, including installing and connecting BIO cards.
- Mark and Hirata-san checked and adjusted the pitch of the BF (with a bubble level) and the IM/... section (with the OL).
- Mark and Panwei installed the sides of the IRM and the IM OSEMs.
- Hirata-san hung the dummy load from the F0 and started compressing the blade. There was a significant lateral offset (≈2-3 mm towards the blade at 5:30) at first but Takahashi-san advised that it would probably improve with compression, and it did.
- Mark and Hirata-san cleared off most of two optical tables and a set of shelves in the OMMT area that Type B had been using but were now required by Somiya-san and Ohishi-san. We still need to remove the geophone and OSEM testing setups.
- Mark, Enzo and Hirata-san all inspected the lower section of the SR2 to see if there were any interference points that might explain some unexpected peaks in the TFs (especially the RM pitch made appearing in longitudinal) that weren't present before installation. There were no stops touching, but some TM OSEM cables were rubbing against each other, which we fixed. The problem turned out to be swapped cables in the coil actuation.
- We removed the tank lid, and Enzo and Panwei inspected the cabling that had been done during Enzo's vacation and installed some new cables that had arrived. They also unlocked the IP.
Plan for week of 10/15
- Mark, Enzo, Hirata-san and Fabian at Kamioka Mon-Fri.
- Continue shakedown of PI section.
- Align IRM with IM.
- Suspend/weigh/balance the BF/... section.
- Build up the AF and SS to the SF level.
- Install the SF.
To-Do Lists, Schedule
Vacation/Visitor Info
- Terrence: 10/29-11/2 at Kamioka.
Type-Bp (Shoda)
Past week report
Plan for coming weeks
OMMT & OSTM (Ohishi)
Past week report
- Started OMMT assembly.
Plan for coming weeks
- Height and level adjustment of OMMT/OMC breadboard.
- Preparation for installation; glueing, cabling and OSEM test.
VIS electronics (Tanaka)
Past week report
Plan for coming weeks
Other site works
- Incidents:
- Foreseen risks
- Type-A:
- Type-B:
- ETMX/ITMX IP tilt problem
- Restore the tilt of the IP by releasing the jacks supporting the chamber (On Monday)
- Schedule
- We need to be ready for pump down by early December
- SRM cables
- Missing cables near the payload
- Connect short cables
- Missing cables near the payload
- SR2 assembly frame
- Disassemble it
- In case we need to take out the SR2 suspension, we will move SRM assembly frame to next to the SR2
- High power coil drivers
- 4 HPCD is assigned to each Type-B
- For IM V OSEMs, use low power coil drivers with reduced output resistance
- PR2
- York adjustment
- OSEM adjustment
- OSEM driving cable is broken for IM V3
We need to swap the cable during the vacuum vent in December
- BF LVDT V2 is strange, but now the problem disappeared
- BF LVDT card fixed
- But high frequency noise is larger
- BF LVDT card fixed
- PR3
- Large drift of BF GAS
- Need to fix it with FR
- Large drift of BF GAS
- Closed vacuum
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 10/15):
- Takahashi: 15-17
- Okutomi: 15-17
- Sato:
- Lucia: 15-19
- Fabian: 15-19
- Mark: 15-19
- Hirata: 15-19
- Shoda:
- Ohishi:
- Fujii: 16-19
- Tanioka:
- Tanaka:
- Kozu (ICRR):
- Arai (ICRR):
- Travel (Week of 10/22):
- Takahashi: 22-24
- Okutomi:
- Sato: 22-24
- Lucia: 22-26
- Fabian: 22-26
- Mark: 22-25
- Hirata: 22-25
- Enzo: 22-25
- Shoda:
- Ohishi:
- Fujii:
- Tanioka:
- Tanaka:
- Kozu (ICRR):
- Arai (ICRR):
Next meeting
On 2018/10/19(Fri)