Today's activities
Workers: Yokogawa, Sugimoto, Akutsu
- Aligned green beam at the Yend coarsely.
- TCam for Yend did not work this morning, and Yokozawa-san fixed it.
- We tried to align it at the Yend but failed.
Reason 1: accessibility to the control system. we forgot to bring a PC connectable to the control system, so Yokogawa-kun used the one in the 2nd floor. We talked via SNS with me as he did not have his PHS, and I talked with Izumi-kun by my PHS at the same time in the Shotoku-Taishi way.
- Reason 2: low update speed of the TCam. We could see flashing of green light by our eyeballs but found ourselves need a TCam in the high frame rate.
- We returned to the control room, and asked Yokozawa-san to increase the updating speed temporally.
- Izumi-kun helped the align process.
Next plan
- Measure the height with a laser leveler?
- Locate the BRT on the stage base on XXX as references.
- Make GPT on the optical table
- Make a model to drive signals from the TMS
- Check the response of the TMS by swinging BS, PR2, PR3... etc... with commissioning people
- Endのend用のフランジとりつけ。たぶん最後のほうで。
- そこのフランジにとりつける透過光用ビューポート。まだ柏にあるはず。
- 外側の光学定盤の上の取り回しを考えよ。
Four M10 eye bolts
M8 SDC bolts? to tighten the top plate to the stage body are shortened!
- Markers (black and white)
From VIS
- Four clean slings (from Hirata-san)