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== KSC board member (Aug 2017 - Aug 2019) == Hisaaki Shinkai (Chair), Nobuyuki Kanda, Sadakazu Haino, Chunglee Kim, Yuta Michimura, Yuki Inoue, Kentaro Komori <<BR>> kscboard _at_ == KSC members == * [[|KSC member list]] == Working groups and committees in KSC == * Author list committee (Oct 2017 - Sep 2018) * Hisaaki Shinkai (interim chair, Feb 2018 - Sep 2018) * Yosuke Itoh, Hyung-Mok Lee, Feng-Li Lin, Yoshiki Moriwaki, Takashi Uchiyama |
||<style="border:none"> ||<99% style="border:none;text-align:right;">Back to the [[|KAGRA wiki top page]] || ---- Contents in this page : (some are links) ||<:20% #FFFD8C> [2] [[#Organization|Organization]]||<:20% #FFFD8C> [3] [[#regulations|Rules and Regulations]]||<:20% #FFFD8C> [4] [[#documents|Documents]]||<:20% #FFFD8C> [5] [[#KAGRAcollaborators|KAGRAcollaborators]]|| ||[[#board|Board]]||[[|Guideline for joining KAGRA]]||[[#newsletter|Newsletter]]||[[#Institutes|Institutes]]|| ||[[#committees|Committees]]||[[|Authorship Policy]]||[[#Links|Links]]||[[#KSCmember|KSC members]]|| ||[[#WGs|Working Groups]]||[[|Publication Policy]]|| || [[|collaborators]] [[|How to update the member list]] || ||[[#JointC|LVK joint committees]]||[[|CPC submission]]|| ||[[|author-list 2018]] || ||[[#CC|past committees]]||LVK-[[|MoA]], [[|Att A]], [[|LoI]]|| ||[[| KAGRA_DB]] (ICRR-VPN only) || Links: ||<17% #ffdcdc> [[KAGRA/KSC/FAQ|FAQ]]||<1%>||<:17% #FFFD8C> Meetings ||<:17% #FFFD8C> Groups in KSC ||<:17% #FFFD8C> Information ||<1%>||<17% #ffdcdc> [[KAGRA/KSC/YourActionRequired|YourActionRequired]] || ||<#FFFD8C> [[KAGRA/Publications|Publications]] [[KAGRA/PublicationsLVK|PublicationsLVK]] || || [[KAGRA/Meeting/F2F|Face-to-Face]]||[[KAGRA/DAWG|Data Analysis]] || [[KAGRA/YoungResearcher|Young Researcher's wiki]] || || [[KAGRA/CollaborationMOU|Collaboration MOU]] || ||<#ffdcdc> [[|JGWDoc]] || || [[KAGRA/Meeting/KIW|KAGRA Int. Workshop]]||[[KAGRA/KSC/FPC|Future-Planning]] ||[[KAGRA/KSC/O3|O3a]] [[KAGRA/KSC/O3b|O3b]]|| || [[KAGRA/KSC/O3CommitmentForm|O3 commitment form]] || ||<#ffdcdc> [[|klog]] || || [[KAGRA/KSC/Meeting|KSC telecons]]||[[KAGRA/KSC/PRDC|Project R&D]]||[[KAGRA/KSC/EducationTraining|Educationo/Training]] || || || ||<#ffdcdc> [[|new wiki]] ([[|access]])|| || || || || || || ---- <<Anchor(Objectives)>> == [1] Objectives of KSC == KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC) is the decision making body of KAGRA collaborators. The aims of KSC are to discuss and to make decisions upon KAGRA science. <<BR>> (1) Scientific targets pursued by the collaboration.<<BR>> (2) Recommend/Endorse scientific direction and strategy of KAGRA<<BR>> (3) Strategies of R&D and data analysis<<BR>> In addition, KSC manage and maintain the collaboration itself. <<BR>> (4) Maintenance of the collaborator-list<<BR>> (5) Maintenance of the author-list<<BR>> (6) Holding the KAGRA face-to-face meeting ---- <<Anchor(Organization)>> == [2] Organization == <<Anchor(chart)>> === KSC organization chart === [[attachment:KSCorganizationchart20211126.svg|]] [[attachment:KSCorganizationchart20211126.png|{{attachment:KSCorganizationchart20211126.png|KSC organization chart (2021/Nov 26) |width="892"}}]] <<Anchor(board)>> === KSC board === * Current (August 2021 - August 2022) <<BR>> * Jun’ichi Yokoyama (Chair), Matteo Leonardi (Vice Chair), Keiko Kokeyama, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, <<BR>> Xing-Jiang Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, Hideyuki Tagoshi, Tatsuya Narikawa, Surojit Saha <<BR>> * kscboard _at_ ---- <<Anchor(committees)>> === Committees in KSC === * International Cooperation (May 2018 - ) * (starting members) Takayuki Tomaru, Nobuyuki Kanda, Hisaaki Shinkai * Korea contact person: Hyung-Won Lee * China contact person: Zhong-Hong Zhu * Taiwan contact person: Feng-Li Lin * Italy contact person: Helios Vocca * [[|kick-off talk at F2F 2018]] * Committee of Publication Control (Aug 2020 - Aug 2021) * Norikatsu Mio (chair), Hyung-Won Lee, Yuta Michimura, Hideki Asada, Xilong Fan, Kazuhiro Hayama, Feng-Li Lin, Kazuhiro Yamamoto * Half members are appointed by KSC Boards every year. The term is two years for each committee member. * kagra-cpc _at_ * Author-list committee (Oct 2021 - Sep 2022) * Hideyuki Tagoshi (Chair), Jun’ichi Yokoyama, Matteo Leonardi, John J. Oh, Wenbiao Han, Hiroyuki Nakano, Takafumi Ushiba |
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* Collaborator list manager (Apr 2018 - Mar 2019) * Hideyuki Tagoshi (Manager), Sachiko Kuroyanagi (Vice-manager), Rie Kikuchi (Secretary) * Appointed by KSC Boards every year. A term of manager and vice-manager is one year. The vice-manager of this year will be the manager next year. Manager or vice-manager must be a scientific and permanent staff of ICRR. * Working group for the author list policy in CPC rules (Feb 2016 - until solution) |
* kagra-author-com _at_ * [[|Objectives of the committee]] * [[|KAGRA Author List 2019]], [[|KAGRA Author List 2018]], [[|KAGRA Author List 2017]], [[|KAGRA Author List 2016]], [[|KAGRA Author List 2015]] * Collaborator-list manager (Apr 2020 - ) * Akiko Sakai (Secretary), Naomi Kudo (Secretary), Hideyuki Tagoshi * [[|KAGRA member list]] * Diversity Committee (Sep 2021 -) * Hideyuki Tagoshi (chair) (ICRR, Univ. Tokyo, Japan), Yuta Michimura (Univ. Tokyo, Japan), Luca Baiotti (Osaka Univ., Japan), Nami Uchikata (ICRR, Univ. Tokyo, Japan), Matteo Leonardi (NAOJ, Japan), Keiko Kokeyama (Cardiff Univ, UK), Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans Univ, Korea), Lan Quynh Nguyen (Univ. Notre Dame, USA), Chian-Shu Chen (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Kyujin Kwak (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea) * ksc-diversity _at_ * [[|objectives]], [[|report (2017/12)]] * Overleaf manager (Sep 2021 - ) * Tatsuya Narikawa * kagra-overleaf _at_ * For applying overleaf project, please follow the procedure written [[|here (FAQ Level 3)]] * Author-list manager (Sep 2021 - ) * Xin-Jian Zhou, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, Keiko Kokeyama * Contact kagraros _at_ for the corrections of your affiliations. <<Anchor(PRDC)>> * Project R&D Committee (Dec 2018 -) * Kentaro Somiya (Chair), Yousuke Itoh, Shinji Miyoki, and Sadakazu Haino(FPC Chair) * kagra-prdc _at_ * [[KAGRA/KSC/PRDC|PRDC wiki]] <<Anchor(FSC)>> * Future Strategy Committee (will start from Dec 2020 -) * Masaki Ando (chair), Sadakazu Haino (co-chair), Kentaro Somiya(co-chair) * [[KAGRA/KSC/FSC|FSC wiki]] <<Anchor(FPC)>> * Future Planning Committee (Dec 2018 -) * Sadakazu Haino (chair), Matteo Leonardi * ksc-fpc _at_ * [[KAGRA/KSC/FPC|FPC wiki]] <<Anchor(WGs)>> === Working groups in LVK (current) === * Public data-release scheduling committee (June 2020 -) * Yousuke Itoh, Yuki Inoue, Keiko Kokeyama, Masaki Ando, Nobuyuki Kanda === Working groups in KSC (current) === <<Anchor(JointC)>> === Joint committees with LIGO/Virgo (Oct 2019 - ) === LVK-MoA 2019-2023 [[|main]], [[|Attachment A]], [[|LoI]] * "KAGRA spokesperson" for the access to the restricted documents in LIGO DCC: Hisaaki Shinkai * Joint Review Committee (MoA AttA sec 2.5) * assigned article by article * Joint Run Planning Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.1) * Shinji Miyoki (contact person), Yousuke Itoh * Detector Characterization and Data Quality Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.2) * Keiko Kokeyama (Chair), Takahiro Yamamoto * Calibration Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.3) * Yuki Inoue (Chair) * Joint Computing and Software Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.4) * Ken-ichi Ohara (Chair), Nobuyuki Kanda * Joint Editorial Board (MoA AttA sec 3.5) * Kazuhiro Yamamoto (chair), Zhoujian Cao, Hyung-Won Lee, Tjonnie Li, Chunglee Kim, Ray-Kuang Lee, Yuta Michimura, Yousuke Itoh, Hisaaki Shinkai [if one is KSCboard or CPC, the term ends when they finish KSCboard or CPC.] * kagra-editorial _at_ * Joint Meeting Board (MoA AttA sec 3.6) * Ray-Kuang Lee, Lijing Shao, Hisaaki Shinkai * Joint Detection Board (MoA AttA sec 3.7) * Nobuyuki Kanda (Chair) * Joint Review Committee (MoA AttA sec 2.4.4) * will be assigned paper by paper * LIGO KAGRA Identity and Access Management team * Hirotaka Takahashi, Shoichi Oshino * LVK climate change committee * Luca Baiotti, Quynh Lan Nguyen * Education and Public Outreach (Sep 2021 -) * Heather Fong, Hisaaki Shinkai, Koji Nagano, Takahiro Yamamoto, Albert Kong, Kuo-Chuan Pan, Kwan Lok Li, He-Feng Hsieh, Li-Ting Ma, Lupin Lin, Lijing Shao, Wei-Tou Ni, Hyung Won Lee, Quynh Lan Nguyen * kagra_epo _at_ * Operations Working Group * Takahiro Sawada, Osamu Miyakawa <<Anchor(CC)>> === Completed committees and working groups === * KSC board || period || vote selected || regional || EO || PD, student || || Aug 2016 - Aug 2017 || Nobuyuki Kanda(Chair), Hyung Mok Lee (Vice Chair), Youichi Aso, Yousuke Itoh, Keiko Kokeyama, Yuta Michimura || || || || || Aug 2017 - Aug 2018 || Hisaaki Shinkai(C), Chunglee Kim(VC), Sadakazu Haino, Yuta Michimura || || Nobuyuki Kanda ||Yuki Inoue, Kentaro Komori || || Aug 2018 - Aug 2019 || (same with above) || Zong-Hong Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee || Nobuyuki Kanda || Takahiro Yamamoto, Koji Nagano|| || Aug 2019 - Aug 2020 || Hisaaki Shinkai(C), Shinji Miyoki(VC), Chunglee Kim(VVC), Hideyuki Tagoshi, Tomotada Akutsu || Zhoujian Cao, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee || || Hirotaka Yuzurihara, Tomohiro Yamada|| || Aug 2020 - Aug 2021 || (same with above) || Zhoujian Cao, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee || || Tatsuki Washimi, Satoru Takano|| || Aug 2021 - Aug 2022 || Jun’ichi Yokoyama(C), Matteo Leonardi(VC), Keiko Kokeyama, Sachiko Kuroyanagi || Xing-Jiang Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee || Hideyuki Tagoshi || Tatsuya Narikawa, Surojit Saha|| * Author list committee * (Sep 2016 - Aug 2017) Masaki Ando (Chair), Shinji Miyoki, Ken-ichi Oohara, Yoshiki Moriwaki, Hyung Mok Lee, Nobuyuki Kawai * (Oct 2017 - Sep 2018) Hisaaki Shinkai (Chair), Yosuke Itoh, Hyung-Mok Lee, Feng-Li Lin, Yoshiki Moriwaki, Takashi Uchiyama * (Oct 2018 - Sep 2019) Yosuke Itoh (Chair), Yoichi Aso, Kazuhiro Hayama, Feng-Li Lin, John J. Oh, Takashi Uchiyama * (Oct 2019 - Sep 2020) Kentaro Somiya (Chair), Yoichi Aso, Kazuhiro Hayama, John J. Oh, Albert Kong, Atsushi Nishizawa * (Oct 2020 - Sep 2021) Atsushi Nishizawa (Chair), Albert Kong, John J. Oh, Wenbiao Han, Kentaro Somiya, Hiroyuki Nakano, Takafumi Ushiba * Author list manager * (Sep 2020 - Aug 2021) Hisaaki Shinkai, Reymond Yeung * Collaborator list manager * (Apr 2017 - Mar 2018) Ken-ichi Nakao (Manager), Hideyuki Tagoshi(Vice-manager), Rie Kikuchi(Secretary) * (Apr 2018 - Mar 2020) Hideyuki Tagoshi(manager), Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Rie Kikuchi(Secretary) * Committee for the KSC board election rules * (Feb 2017 - Jul 2017) Keiko Kokeyama (Chair), Ettore Majorana, Hyung Won Lee, Atushi Nishizawa, Takaaki Yokozawa, Hiroyuki Nakano, Kazuki Sakai * Committee for the KSC board election * (June 2019 - Aug 2019) Sadakazu Haino (Chair), Yuta Michimura, Nobuyuki Kanda, Zong-Hong Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee * Diversity Committee * (Aug 2017 - Jan 2020) Keiko Kokeyama (chair), Eleonora Capocasa, Chunglee Kim, Chihiro Kozakai, Matteo Leonardi, Chun-Che (Lupin) Lin, Yuta Michimura, Kazuki Sakai, Hisaaki Shinkai * (Feb 2020 - Aug 2021) Hideyuki Tagoshi (chair), Chunglee Kim, Matteo Leonardi, Chun-Che (Lupin) Lin, Yuta Michimura * Paper writing team of bKAGRA phase-1 (2018) * Nobuyuki Kanda, Sadakazu Haino, Yuta Michimura, Yamamoto Takahiro, Tomo Akutsu, and Hisaaki Shinkai * Paper writing team of the revision of the scenario paper (2018) * Sadakazu Haino (writer) * Masaki Ando, Kipp Cannon (referees) * Working group for the definition of KAGRA data (Feb 2016 - Dec 2018) * Hirotaka Takahashi (Chair), John J. Oh, Sadakazu Haino * From EO: Fusakazu Matsushima, Toshikazu Suzuki, Nobuyuki Kanda * Preparing team of Joint Observations with LIGO/Virgo (2018) * discuss MOU: Hisaaki Shinkai * MOU WG: Masaki Ando, Kipp Cannon, Yousuke Itoh, Shinji Miyoki, Masatake Ohashi, Takayuki Tomaru * discuss data-transfer and data-analysis: Nobuyuki Kanda and Hideyuki Tagoshi * Committee of Publication Control (CPC moved under KSC after August 2019) *(Aug 2019 - Aug 2020) Norikatzu Mio (Chair), Masashi Ohkawa, Yuichiro Sekiguchi, Zong-Hong Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Yuta Michimura * Working group for the publication policy in CPC rules (Feb 2016 - Aug 2020) |
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* Working group for the definition of KAGRA data (Feb 2016 - until solution) * Hirotaka Takahashi (Chair), John J. Oh, Sadakazu Haino * From EO: Fusakazu Matsushima, Toshikazu Suzuki, Nobuyuki Kanda * Diversity Committee (Aug 2017 -) * Keiko Kokeyama, Joseph M Fedrow, Chunglee Kim, Kazuki Sakai, Hirotaka Yuzurihara, Hisaaki Shinkai * ksc-diversity _at_ === Completed === * Author list committee (Sep 2016 - Aug 2017) * Masaki Ando (Chair), Shinji Miyoki, Ken-ichi Oohara, Yoshiki Moriwaki, Hyung Mok Lee, Nobuyuki Kawai * Collaborator list manager (Apr 2017 - Mar 2018) * Ken-ichi Nakao (Manager), Hideyuki Tagoshi(Vice-manager), Rie Kikuchi(Secretary) * Committee for the KSC board election rules (Feb 2017 - Jul 2017) * Keiko Kokeyama (Chair), Ettore Majorana, Hyung Won Lee, Kazuhiro Hayama, Atushi Nishizawa, Takaaki Yokozawa, Hiroyuki Nakano, Koki Okutomi == Documents == * [[|Society Regulations of KAGRA Scientific Congress]] * [[|Election rule for KSC board members]] |
* Education and Public Outreach (Oct 2019 - Aug 2021) * Heather Fong, Albert Kong, Hyung Won Lee, Kwan Lok Li, Wei-Tou Ni, Quynh Lan Nguyen, Yoshihisa Obayashi, Kuo-Chuan Pan, Hisaaki Shinkai, Leo Tsukada * Future Planning Committee (Dec 2018 - Sep 2021) * Sadakazu Haino(Chair), Chunglee Kim, Kentaro Komori, Yuta Michimura, Matteo Leonardi, Atsushi Nishizawa, Kentaro Somiya(PRDC chair) * Overleaf manager * (Oct 2019 - Aug 2021) Nami Uchikata, Hisaaki Shinkai ---- ||<style="border:none"> ||<99% style="border:none;text-align:right;">Back to the [[#top|top of this page]] || ---- <<Anchor(regulations)>> == [3] Rules and Regulations == * [[|Guideline for joining the KAGRA collaboration]] * [[|Instruction for updating the KAGRA member list]] |
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* [[|KAGRA Author List 2016]] * Latest default author list |
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* [[|Society Regulations of KAGRA Scientific Congress]] * [[|Election rule for KSC board members]] * [[|Observation Run 3 (O3) Commitment Form]] * Please download the form, print it, sign it, scan it, edit the file name, and submit it. [[|Submission page]] ---- ||<style="border:none"> ||<99% style="border:none;text-align:right;">Back to the [[#top|top of this page]] || ---- <<Anchor(documents)>> == [4] Documents == |
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== Links == | <<Anchor(newsletter)>> === Newsletter === * [[| KSC Newsletter 8 ]] (2021 May) * [[| KSC Newsletter 7 ]] (2020 April) * [[| KSC Newsletter 6]] (2019 December) * [[| KSC Newsletter 5]] (2019 August) * [[| KSC Newsletter 4]] (2019 April) * [[| KSC Newsletter 3]] (2018 December) * [[| KSC Newsletter 2]] (2018 August) * [[| KSC Newsletter 1]] (2018 April) <<Anchor(opendata)>> === Collaboration Open Data === * [[KAGRA/KSC/OpenData|Open data list]] <<Anchor(Links)>> === Links === |
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* [[KAGRA/KSC/Meeting|KSC Meetings]] * [[KAGRA/YoungResearcher|Young Researcher's wiki page]] * [[KAGRA/KSC/O3|O3]] ---- ||<style="border:none"> ||<99% style="border:none;text-align:right;">Back to the [[#top|top of this page]] || ---- <<Anchor(KAGRAcollaborators)>> == [5] KAGRA collaborators == * List is available from [[|here]] (restricted to the collaboration members) --- <<Anchor(KSCmember)>> == KSC members == * [[|KSC member list]] * According to [[|Society Regulations of KAGRA Scientific Congress]], KSC consists of * One congress member from each institute * In addition to the above rule, one congress member per 4 KAGRA collaborators in each institute. E.g., if there are 1~3 KAGRA collaborators in the institute, then that institute can elect one congress member. If there are 4~7 KAGRA collaborators in the institute, then that institute can elect two congress members. (round(N/4) KSC members.) * 3 congress members from all graduate students in the KAGRA collaboration. * 3 congress members from all post-docs in the KAGRA collaboration. * KAGRA Principal Investigator (PI) * Each constituent body (that is, a group that has a right to elect its KSC members) defines the method to elect its KSC members and their terms of service. * Please note that KSC members are not registered automatically. Please contact to KSC_Board for updating KSC members. * KSC members have right to vote for the decision in KSC. ---- |
KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC)
Back to the KAGRA wiki top page |
Contents in this page : (some are links)
[2] Organization
[4] Documents
[1] Objectives of KSC
KAGRA Scientific Congress (KSC) is the decision making body of KAGRA collaborators. The aims of KSC are to discuss and to make decisions upon KAGRA science.
(1) Scientific targets pursued by the collaboration.
(2) Recommend/Endorse scientific direction and strategy of KAGRA
(3) Strategies of R&D and data analysis
In addition, KSC manage and maintain the collaboration itself.
(4) Maintenance of the collaborator-list
(5) Maintenance of the author-list
(6) Holding the KAGRA face-to-face meeting
[2] Organization
KSC organization chart
KSC board
Current (August 2021 - August 2022)
Jun’ichi Yokoyama (Chair), Matteo Leonardi (Vice Chair), Keiko Kokeyama, Sachiko Kuroyanagi,
Xing-Jiang Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, Hideyuki Tagoshi, Tatsuya Narikawa, Surojit Saha
- kscboard _at_
Committees in KSC
- International Cooperation (May 2018 - )
- (starting members) Takayuki Tomaru, Nobuyuki Kanda, Hisaaki Shinkai
- Korea contact person: Hyung-Won Lee
- China contact person: Zhong-Hong Zhu
- Taiwan contact person: Feng-Li Lin
- Italy contact person: Helios Vocca
- Committee of Publication Control (Aug 2020 - Aug 2021)
- Norikatsu Mio (chair), Hyung-Won Lee, Yuta Michimura, Hideki Asada, Xilong Fan, Kazuhiro Hayama, Feng-Li Lin, Kazuhiro Yamamoto
- Half members are appointed by KSC Boards every year. The term is two years for each committee member.
- kagra-cpc _at_
- Author-list committee (Oct 2021 - Sep 2022)
- Hideyuki Tagoshi (Chair), Jun’ichi Yokoyama, Matteo Leonardi, John J. Oh, Wenbiao Han, Hiroyuki Nakano, Takafumi Ushiba
- Three people are appointed by KSC Boards every year. The term is two years for each committee member.
- kagra-author-com _at_
KAGRA Author List 2019, KAGRA Author List 2018, KAGRA Author List 2017, KAGRA Author List 2016, KAGRA Author List 2015
- Collaborator-list manager (Apr 2020 - )
- Akiko Sakai (Secretary), Naomi Kudo (Secretary), Hideyuki Tagoshi
- Diversity Committee (Sep 2021 -)
- Hideyuki Tagoshi (chair) (ICRR, Univ. Tokyo, Japan), Yuta Michimura (Univ. Tokyo, Japan), Luca Baiotti (Osaka Univ., Japan), Nami Uchikata (ICRR, Univ. Tokyo, Japan), Matteo Leonardi (NAOJ, Japan), Keiko Kokeyama (Cardiff Univ, UK), Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans Univ, Korea), Lan Quynh Nguyen (Univ. Notre Dame, USA), Chian-Shu Chen (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Kyujin Kwak (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea)
- ksc-diversity _at_
- Overleaf manager (Sep 2021 - )
- Tatsuya Narikawa
- kagra-overleaf _at_
For applying overleaf project, please follow the procedure written here (FAQ Level 3)
- Author-list manager (Sep 2021 - )
- Xin-Jian Zhou, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, Keiko Kokeyama
- Contact kagraros _at_ for the corrections of your affiliations.
Project R&D Committee (Dec 2018 -)
- Kentaro Somiya (Chair), Yousuke Itoh, Shinji Miyoki, and Sadakazu Haino(FPC Chair)
- kagra-prdc _at_
- Future Strategy Committee (will start from Dec 2020 -)
- Masaki Ando (chair), Sadakazu Haino (co-chair), Kentaro Somiya(co-chair)
- Future Planning Committee (Dec 2018 -)
- Sadakazu Haino (chair), Matteo Leonardi
- ksc-fpc _at_
Working groups in LVK (current)
- Public data-release scheduling committee (June 2020 -)
- Yousuke Itoh, Yuki Inoue, Keiko Kokeyama, Masaki Ando, Nobuyuki Kanda
Working groups in KSC (current)
Joint committees with LIGO/Virgo (Oct 2019 - )
LVK-MoA 2019-2023 main, Attachment A, LoI
- "KAGRA spokesperson" for the access to the restricted documents in LIGO DCC: Hisaaki Shinkai
- Joint Review Committee (MoA AttA sec 2.5)
- assigned article by article
- Joint Run Planning Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.1)
- Shinji Miyoki (contact person), Yousuke Itoh
- Detector Characterization and Data Quality Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.2)
- Keiko Kokeyama (Chair), Takahiro Yamamoto
- Calibration Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.3)
- Yuki Inoue (Chair)
- Joint Computing and Software Committee (MoA AttA sec 3.4)
- Ken-ichi Ohara (Chair), Nobuyuki Kanda
- Joint Editorial Board (MoA AttA sec 3.5)
- Kazuhiro Yamamoto (chair), Zhoujian Cao, Hyung-Won Lee, Tjonnie Li, Chunglee Kim, Ray-Kuang Lee, Yuta Michimura, Yousuke Itoh, Hisaaki Shinkai [if one is KSCboard or CPC, the term ends when they finish KSCboard or CPC.]
- kagra-editorial _at_
- Joint Meeting Board (MoA AttA sec 3.6)
- Ray-Kuang Lee, Lijing Shao, Hisaaki Shinkai
- Joint Detection Board (MoA AttA sec 3.7)
- Nobuyuki Kanda (Chair)
- Joint Review Committee (MoA AttA sec 2.4.4)
- will be assigned paper by paper
- LIGO KAGRA Identity and Access Management team
- Hirotaka Takahashi, Shoichi Oshino
- LVK climate change committee
- Luca Baiotti, Quynh Lan Nguyen
- Education and Public Outreach (Sep 2021 -)
- Heather Fong, Hisaaki Shinkai, Koji Nagano, Takahiro Yamamoto, Albert Kong, Kuo-Chuan Pan, Kwan Lok Li, He-Feng Hsieh, Li-Ting Ma, Lupin Lin, Lijing Shao, Wei-Tou Ni, Hyung Won Lee, Quynh Lan Nguyen
- kagra_epo _at_
- Operations Working Group
- Takahiro Sawada, Osamu Miyakawa
Completed committees and working groups
- KSC board
vote selected
PD, student
Aug 2016 - Aug 2017
Nobuyuki Kanda(Chair), Hyung Mok Lee (Vice Chair), Youichi Aso, Yousuke Itoh, Keiko Kokeyama, Yuta Michimura
Aug 2017 - Aug 2018
Hisaaki Shinkai(C), Chunglee Kim(VC), Sadakazu Haino, Yuta Michimura
Nobuyuki Kanda
Yuki Inoue, Kentaro Komori
Aug 2018 - Aug 2019
(same with above)
Zong-Hong Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee
Nobuyuki Kanda
Takahiro Yamamoto, Koji Nagano
Aug 2019 - Aug 2020
Hisaaki Shinkai(C), Shinji Miyoki(VC), Chunglee Kim(VVC), Hideyuki Tagoshi, Tomotada Akutsu
Zhoujian Cao, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee
Hirotaka Yuzurihara, Tomohiro Yamada
Aug 2020 - Aug 2021
(same with above)
Zhoujian Cao, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee
Tatsuki Washimi, Satoru Takano
Aug 2021 - Aug 2022
Jun’ichi Yokoyama(C), Matteo Leonardi(VC), Keiko Kokeyama, Sachiko Kuroyanagi
Xing-Jiang Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee
Hideyuki Tagoshi
Tatsuya Narikawa, Surojit Saha
- Author list committee
- (Sep 2016 - Aug 2017) Masaki Ando (Chair), Shinji Miyoki, Ken-ichi Oohara, Yoshiki Moriwaki, Hyung Mok Lee, Nobuyuki Kawai
- (Oct 2017 - Sep 2018) Hisaaki Shinkai (Chair), Yosuke Itoh, Hyung-Mok Lee, Feng-Li Lin, Yoshiki Moriwaki, Takashi Uchiyama
- (Oct 2018 - Sep 2019) Yosuke Itoh (Chair), Yoichi Aso, Kazuhiro Hayama, Feng-Li Lin, John J. Oh, Takashi Uchiyama
- (Oct 2019 - Sep 2020) Kentaro Somiya (Chair), Yoichi Aso, Kazuhiro Hayama, John J. Oh, Albert Kong, Atsushi Nishizawa
- (Oct 2020 - Sep 2021) Atsushi Nishizawa (Chair), Albert Kong, John J. Oh, Wenbiao Han, Kentaro Somiya, Hiroyuki Nakano, Takafumi Ushiba
- Author list manager
- (Sep 2020 - Aug 2021) Hisaaki Shinkai, Reymond Yeung
- Collaborator list manager
- (Apr 2017 - Mar 2018) Ken-ichi Nakao (Manager), Hideyuki Tagoshi(Vice-manager), Rie Kikuchi(Secretary)
- (Apr 2018 - Mar 2020) Hideyuki Tagoshi(manager), Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Rie Kikuchi(Secretary)
- Committee for the KSC board election rules
- (Feb 2017 - Jul 2017) Keiko Kokeyama (Chair), Ettore Majorana, Hyung Won Lee, Atushi Nishizawa, Takaaki Yokozawa, Hiroyuki Nakano, Kazuki Sakai
- Committee for the KSC board election
- (June 2019 - Aug 2019) Sadakazu Haino (Chair), Yuta Michimura, Nobuyuki Kanda, Zong-Hong Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee
- Diversity Committee
- (Aug 2017 - Jan 2020) Keiko Kokeyama (chair), Eleonora Capocasa, Chunglee Kim, Chihiro Kozakai, Matteo Leonardi, Chun-Che (Lupin) Lin, Yuta Michimura, Kazuki Sakai, Hisaaki Shinkai
- (Feb 2020 - Aug 2021) Hideyuki Tagoshi (chair), Chunglee Kim, Matteo Leonardi, Chun-Che (Lupin) Lin, Yuta Michimura
- Paper writing team of bKAGRA phase-1 (2018)
- Nobuyuki Kanda, Sadakazu Haino, Yuta Michimura, Yamamoto Takahiro, Tomo Akutsu, and Hisaaki Shinkai
- Paper writing team of the revision of the scenario paper (2018)
- Sadakazu Haino (writer)
- Masaki Ando, Kipp Cannon (referees)
- Working group for the definition of KAGRA data (Feb 2016 - Dec 2018)
- Hirotaka Takahashi (Chair), John J. Oh, Sadakazu Haino
- From EO: Fusakazu Matsushima, Toshikazu Suzuki, Nobuyuki Kanda
- Preparing team of Joint Observations with LIGO/Virgo (2018)
- discuss MOU: Hisaaki Shinkai
- MOU WG: Masaki Ando, Kipp Cannon, Yousuke Itoh, Shinji Miyoki, Masatake Ohashi, Takayuki Tomaru
- discuss data-transfer and data-analysis: Nobuyuki Kanda and Hideyuki Tagoshi
- discuss MOU: Hisaaki Shinkai
- Committee of Publication Control (CPC moved under KSC after August 2019)
- (Aug 2019 - Aug 2020) Norikatzu Mio (Chair), Masashi Ohkawa, Yuichiro Sekiguchi, Zong-Hong Zhu, Hyung-Won Lee, Yuta Michimura
- Working group for the publication policy in CPC rules (Feb 2016 - Aug 2020)
- Hideyuki Tagoshi (Chair), Hyung Mok Lee, Ayaka Shoda
- From EO: Raffaele Flaminio, Nobuyuki Kanda
- Education and Public Outreach (Oct 2019 - Aug 2021)
- Heather Fong, Albert Kong, Hyung Won Lee, Kwan Lok Li, Wei-Tou Ni, Quynh Lan Nguyen, Yoshihisa Obayashi, Kuo-Chuan Pan, Hisaaki Shinkai, Leo Tsukada
- Future Planning Committee (Dec 2018 - Sep 2021)
- Sadakazu Haino(Chair), Chunglee Kim, Kentaro Komori, Yuta Michimura, Matteo Leonardi, Atsushi Nishizawa, Kentaro Somiya(PRDC chair)
- Overleaf manager
- (Oct 2019 - Aug 2021) Nami Uchikata, Hisaaki Shinkai
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[3] Rules and Regulations
- Author list is managed based on this policy by the Author List Committee of KSC
- Publications and presentations are controlled based on this policy by the Committee for Publication Control (under EO)
JGW-G1706404 (useful publication category table in p.10)
JGW-G1503318 (definition of "KAGRA data" in p.4)
Observation Run 3 (O3) Commitment Form
Please download the form, print it, sign it, scan it, edit the file name, and submit it. Submission page
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[4] Documents
KSC Newsletter 8 (2021 May)
KSC Newsletter 7 (2020 April)
KSC Newsletter 6 (2019 December)
KSC Newsletter 5 (2019 August)
KSC Newsletter 4 (2019 April)
KSC Newsletter 3 (2018 December)
KSC Newsletter 2 (2018 August)
KSC Newsletter 1 (2018 April)
Collaboration Open Data
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[5] KAGRA collaborators
List is available from here (restricted to the collaboration members)
KSC members
According to Society Regulations of KAGRA Scientific Congress, KSC consists of
- One congress member from each institute
- In addition to the above rule, one congress member per 4 KAGRA collaborators in each institute. E.g., if there are 1~3 KAGRA collaborators in the institute, then that institute can elect one congress member. If there are 4~7 KAGRA collaborators in the institute, then that institute can elect two congress members. (round(N/4) KSC members.)
- 3 congress members from all graduate students in the KAGRA collaboration.
- 3 congress members from all post-docs in the KAGRA collaboration.
- KAGRA Principal Investigator (PI)
- Each constituent body (that is, a group that has a right to elect its KSC members) defines the method to elect its KSC members and their terms of service.
- Please note that KSC members are not registered automatically. Please contact to KSC_Board for updating KSC members.
- KSC members have right to vote for the decision in KSC.