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= GW research exchange meeting = |
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*[[gw_talks/what_is|重力波研究交流会とは?]] | * [[gw_talks/what_is|What is GW REM? (重力波研究交流会とは?)]] * [[#UsefulLinks | Useful Links ]] * [[#HowToAnnouncements | How to receive announcements ]] |
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== 次回以降の重力波研究交流会 == | == Upcoming GW-REMs == |
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=== TBA === == 過去の重力波研究交流会 == ---- === 第93回 2018年6月15日(金) === ---- * 時間: 17:00-19:00 * Talk 1: Julia Casanueva (INFN - Sezione di Pisa) * 「Lock Acquisition in Advanced Virgo (part 1): Guided Lock, Frequency stabilization and Automatic Alignment」 * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8389|Slides]] * Talk 2:Diego Bersanetti (I.N.F.N. - Sezione di Genova) * 「Lock Acquisition in Advanced Virgo (part 2): DC Readout, Noise Subtraction & Automation」 * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8390|Slides]] * Zoom 接続情報 * Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/8678936825 * password: ask the organizers or see the invitation email |
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=== 第92回 2018年6月1日(金) === | == The past GW REM talks == |
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* 時間: 10:00-11:00 * Talk: Andrew Matas (University of Minnesota)「Searches for the stochastic gravitational wave background in Advanced LIGO's first observing run」 * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8333| Slides]] * Zoom connection * Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/8678936825 * password: ask the organizers or see the invitation email |
<<Include(gw_talks/archive_101_110)>> |
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=== 第91回 2017年12月8日(金) === |
== Archives for the past talks == |
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* 場所: eZuce上 * 時間: 13:00-14:00 * Talk:仏坂健太 (Princeton University)「A neutron star merger GW170817 and its EM counterparts」 * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=7530|発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title: JGW seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password:なし * Meeting Access Information: SeeVoghRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=M9MIMi222eD2Di9298DD99 Mobile App : Meeting ID: 781 4378 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=M9MIMi222eD2Di9298DD99 <<BR>> === 第90回 2017年10月20日(金) === ---- * 場所: eZuce上 * 時間: 13:00-14:00 * Talk:宮本晃伸(大阪市立大学)「重力波観測によるPopIII星の存在の間接的証明方法の研究」 * [[ https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=7305 | 発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title:Monthly JGW seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password:なし * Meeting Access Information: SeeVoghRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=MMMeMn2D2tDsDs9a9sD29M Mobile App : Meeting ID: 779 0427 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=MMMeMn2D2tDsDs9a9sD29M <<BR>> === 第89回 2017年7月28日(金) === ---- * 場所: 東工大宗宮研 * 時間: 14:00-15:00 * Talk: 上原知幸(防衛大) *「フロリダ大学滞在報告」 [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=7003 | 発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title:Monthly JGW seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password:なし * Meeting Access Information: *SeeVoghRN Application http://research.seevogh.com/joinSRN?meeting=vsvivIele2IsIvaBaeItas *Mobile App : Meeting ID: 773 6450 or Link: http://research.seevogh.com/joinSRN?meeting=vsvivIele2IsIvaBaeItas |
* Most of the archives for the earlier years are written in Japanese (it is a history!). . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_111_120|111-120th GW-REM talks (2023-)]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_101_110|101-110th GW-REM talks (2019-2022)]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_91_100|91-100th GW-REM talks (2017-2019)]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_81_90|81-90th GW-REM talks (2016-2017) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_71_80|71-80th GW-REM talks (2014-2015) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_61_70|61-70th GW-REM talks (2013-2014) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_51_60|51-60th GW-REM talks (2012-2013) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_41_50|41-50th GW-REM talks (2011-2012) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_31_40|31-40th GW-REM talks (2010-2011) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_21_30|21-30th GW-REM talks (2009-2010) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_11_20|11-20th GW-REM talks (2008-2009) ]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_1_10|1-10th GW-REM talks (2007-2008) ]] |
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<<Anchor(UsefulLinks)>> == Useful links == ---- * [[JGWDoc/HowTo/UpLoadE| How to upload presentation materials to JGW doc database]] |
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* [[ZoomHowTo | How to use Zoom]] | |
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=== 第88回 2017年6月23日(金) === ---- |
* [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOJ| Use of EVO remote connection system (written in Japanese) ]] |
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* 場所: 東大安東研 * 時間: 13:00-15:00 * Talk 1: 衣川智弥(東大宇宙線研) *「初代星起源コンパクト連星からの重力波とその特徴」[[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6849 | 発表資料]] * Talk 2: 神田展行(大阪市立大学) * 「GWPAW2017 報告」[[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6848 | 発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title:Monthly JGW seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password:なし * Meeting Access Information: *SeeVoghRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=MeMMMu2a28DaDs9n9eDv9e *Mobile App : Meeting ID: 771 7886 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=MeMMMu2a28DaDs9n9eDv9e |
* [[howtouseezuce| How to join KEK community in eZuce]] |
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=== 第87回 2017年5月26日(金) === |
<<Anchor(HowToAnnouncements)>> == How to receive the announcements == |
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* 場所: リモート接続 * 時間: 13:00-14:00 * Talk: 八木絢外(プリンストン大学) *「Probing Black Hole Spacetime with Black Hole Ringdown」[[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6779 | 発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title: Monthly JGW seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password: なし * Meeting Access Information: * eZuce SRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=MMMeMn2D2tD9DB9M9BD29M * Mobile App : Meeting ID: 770 5175 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=MMMeMn2D2tD9DB9M9BD29M <<BR>> === 第86回 2017年4月28日(金) === ---- * 場所: 東工大宗宮研 * 時間: 13:00-15:00 * Talk 1: 河合誠之(東工大) * 「短いガンマ線バーストは重力波源か」[[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/gw_talks?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=170428_GW-shortGRB.pdf|発表資料]] * Talk 2: 山本直樹(慶應大) * 「Geometric control theory for quantum back-action evasion」[[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/gw_talks?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=%E9%87%8D%E5%8A%9B%E6%B3%A2%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%81%E4%BC%9A_yokotera_fixed.pdf|発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title: JGW monthly seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password: 案内メールを参照ください。 * Meeting Access Information: * eZuce SRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=MDMaM82M2IDIDM929tD99D * Mobile App : Meeting ID: 765 8217 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=MDMaM82M2IDIDM929tD99D <<BR>> === 第85回 2017年3月3日(金) === ---- * 場所 東大三尾研 * 時間 13:00-15:00 * Talk 1: 柳光孝紀(三尾研M2) * 「Photothermal Common-path Interferometryを用いたMoth eye構造の吸収率測定」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6298|発表資料]] * Talk 2: 池田浩太(三尾研M2) * 「重力波検出器KAGRAのための高出力レーザー光源の高度化」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6301|発表資料]] * Talk 3: 堀場貴裕(三尾研B4) * 「遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた波面補正によるビーム品質改善法の研究」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6299|発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title: JGW monthly seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password: 案内メールを参照ください。 * Meeting Access Information: * eZuce SRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=MDMaM82M2IDIDM929tD99D * Mobile App : Meeting ID: 765 8217 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=MDMaM82M2IDIDM929tD99D <<BR>> === 第84回 2017年2月17日(金) === ---- * 場所 国立天文台三鷹 * 時間 13:00-15:00 * Talk 1: 諸隈智貴(東大天文) * 「J-GEM: Japanese GW-EM Follow-up Group in Optical, Near-Infrared, and Radio Wavelengths 」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6264|発表資料]] * Talk 2: 山本広大 (京大宇宙物理) * 「地上望遠鏡による太陽系外惑星の撮像観測のための極限補償光学系開発」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6103|発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title: JGW monthly seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password: 案内メールを参照ください。 * Meeting Access Information: * eZuce SRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=MtM8Ma2u22DiDM9t99Ds9t * Mobile App : Meeting ID: 765 1108 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=MtM8Ma2u22DiDM9t99Ds9t <<BR>> === 第83回 2017年1月27日(金) === ---- * 場所 リモート接続 * 時間 13:00-15:00 * Talk 1: 花田英夫(国立天文台水沢) * 「絶対重力計の開発と最近の動向」 [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6102|発表資料]] * Talk 2: 山本広大 (京大宇宙物理) * 「地上望遠鏡による太陽系外惑星の撮像観測のための極限補償光学系開発」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6103|発表資料]] * eZuce 接続情報 * Title: JGW seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password: 案内メールを参照ください。 * Meeting Access Information: * eZuce SRN Application http://srn.ezuce.com/joinSRN?meeting=M9MIMi222uD9D89s98DD99 * Mobile App : Meeting ID: 763 5874 or Link: http://srn.ezuce.com/join?meeting=M9MIMi222uD9D89s98DD99 <<BR>> === 第82回 2016年3月4日(金) === ---- * 場所 東工大宗宮研 * 時間 13:00-15:00 * Talk 1: Tjark Miener (東工大M1) * 「Search for new radio pulsars via coincidence in the Einstein@Home and Cornell result databases」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4940|発表資料]] * Talk 2: 和泉 究 (LIGO Hanford) * 「Advanced LIGO の信号校正」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4912|発表資料]] * Seevogh 接続情報 * Title: JGW monthly seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password: 案内メールを参照のこと * Meeting Access Information: . SeeVoghRN Application http://research.seevogh.com/joinSRN?meeting=vsvivIeleDI8IIaDasItas . Mobile App : Meeting ID: 745 4985 or Link: http://research.seevogh.com/join?meeting=vsvivIeleDI8IIaDasItas <<BR>> === 第81回 2016年1月29日(金) === ---- * 場所 東大宇宙線研 * 時間 13:00-15:00 * Talk 1: Kieran Craig (ICRR) * 「Coating mechanical loss, spectroscopy and coating thermal noise」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4773|発表ファイル]] * Talk 2: 樊 星 (東大 浅井研) * 「パルス磁石とFabry-Perot共振器を用いた真空複屈折の探索」[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4774|発表ファイル]] * Seevogh 接続情報 * Title: JGW monthly seminar * Community: KEK Community * Password: 案内メールを参照のこと * Meeting Access Information: * SeeVoghRN Application : http://research.seevogh.com/joinSRN?meeting=MIM9Ms2v28DaDu989tDa9I * Mobile App : Meeting ID: 742 7974 or Link: http://research.seevogh.com/join?meeting=MIM9Ms2v28DaDu989tDa9I <<BR>> == これ以前の重力波研究交流会 == ---- . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_81_90|第81回~第90回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_71_80|第71回~第80回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_61_70|第61回~第70回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_51_60|第51回~第60回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_41_50|第41回~第50回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_31_40|第31回~第40回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_21_30|第21回~第30回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_11_20|第11回~第20回重力波研究交流会]] . {i} [[gw_talks/archive_1_10|第1回~第10回重力波研究交流会]] <<BR>> == 暮らしに役立つリンク == ---- * [[JGWDoc/HowTo/UpLoad|資料の upload の仕方]] * [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOJ|EVO遠隔会議システムの使い方あれこれ]] * [[howtouseezuce| How to join KEK community in eZuce]] |
. /!\ One has to subscribe to the mailing list called ''gw_comm'' in order to receive our announcement emails. Please ask one of our organizers for subscription. . The organizers can be found in [[gw_talks/what_is|this page]]. |
GW research exchange meeting
Upcoming GW-REMs
The past GW REM talks
The 101-110th REM talks
The 110th REM: December 22th, 2022, Thursday
- Time: 11:00-12:00
- Speaker: Ryudo Tsukizaki (ISAS)
Title: "Introduction to Space Propulsion"
- Abstract:
In this seminar, a wide variety of space propulsion, such as, cold gas thrusts, chemical thrusters, and solar/nuclear electric thrusters will be introduced. The speaker expects discussion with audience on the possibility of the application of his speciality, low-power electric thrusters, such as 30-W gridded ion thrusters and 1-W electrospray thrusters to the gravitational wave detection in space.
- Abstract:
The 109th REM: December 13th, 2022, Tuersday
- Time: 11:00-12:00
- Speaker: Yu Takahashi (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL))
Title: "Navigation around Jovian environment and small bodies"
- Abstract:
Juno entered its extended mission last year after five years of prime mission in the Jovian environment. The Ganymede flyby in July 2021 kicked off the sequence of flybys that lower Juno’s orbital period, allowing for close range observation of Europa in September 2022 and Io in December 2023. We will discuss the design principles of the Juno reference trajectory and the navigation results from the Ganymede and Europa flybys. The second part of the talk will discuss navigation in the small body environment, focusing on the OSIRIS-REx mission. The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft observed particles sporadically ejecting from Bennu’s surface, which could have caused catastrophic damage to the spacecraft and complicated mission operations. However, the same particles turned out to be very fortuitous “instruments” that allowed the radio science team to estimate the gravity field at precision that would otherwise be unachievable. We will discuss our methods to estimate these particles’ trajectories and how they relate to the gravity field and surface environment around Bennu.
- Abstract:
The 108th REM: October 27th, 2022, Thursday
- Time: 11:00-12:00
- Speaker: Satoshi Tanioka (Syracuse University)
Title: "Current status of AlGaAs coatings"
- Abstract:
Thermal noise in high-reflectivity mirror coatings is a limiting factor in ground-based gravitational wave detectors. Reducing this coating thermal noise improves the sensitivity of detectors and enriches the scientific outcome of observing runs. Crystalline gallium arsenide and aluminum-alloyed gallium arsenide (referred to as AlGaAs) coatings are promising coating candidates for future upgrades of gravitational wave detectors because of their low coating thermal noise. In this talk, recent progress in AlGaAs coating research will be presented.
The 107th REM: August 19th, 2022, Friday
- Time: 11:00-12:00
- Speaker: Leo Tsukada (Penn State University)
Title: "Low-latency detection of the gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences"
- Abstract:
Since the first detection of the gravitational wave from a binary black hole, the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration has detected in total 90 events from compact binary coalescences, establishing the field of gravitational wave astronomy. In addition to shedding light on the properties of compact objects e.g. black holes and neutron stars, the joint observation of such objects together with electromagnetic emission will bring us further enriched insight on nuclear physics and cosmology. Early 2023, the fourth observing run is going to take place and various methods have been extensively developed towards it. Today, I will talk about methods to detect gravitational waves in low latency, which plays a crucial role in so-called multi-messenger astronomy. In particular, this talk will be focused on the methodology of a low-latency detection pipeline, GstLAL. GstLAL can also incorporate the detection method with negative latency, i.e. early warning. I will briefly describe its prospect in the upcoming forth observing run by the LVK collaboration.
- Abstract:
The 106th REM: July 28th, 2022, Thursday
- Time: 11:00-12:00
- Speaker: Masayuki Nakano (LIGO, LLO)
Title: "The status of LLO commissioning for O4"
The 105th REM: June 16th, 2022, Thursday
- Time: 11:00-12:00
- Speaker: Ryosuke Sugimoto (SOKENDAI/JAXA)
Title: "Demonstration of back-linked Fabry-Perot interferometer towards space gravitational wave antenna"
The 104th REM: May 19th, 2022, Thursday
- Time: 11:00-12:00
- Speaker: Shoichi Oshino (ICRR)
Title: "Current status of KAGRA for O4 observation"
- Abstract:
KAGRA is currently undergoing upgrade work in preparation for the fourth phase of international joint observations with LIGO and Virgo scheduled to begin in December 2022. KAGRA has two features: built underground and the mirrors are cooled to low temperatures. These are features that predate the third-generation gravitational wave telescopes that will be built in the future. This presentation will introduce the gravitational wave telescope KAGRA, focusing on upgrading works being done.
The 102nd REM: November 15th, 2019, Friday
- Time: 13:00-14:00
- Location: ICRR, the Kashiwanoha campus (tentative)
- Speaker: Kyohei Kawaguchi (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
Title: "Modeling gravitational waveforms and electromagnetic signals from neutron star binary mergers"
- Zoom connection information
Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/5045179604
- password: ask the organizers
The 101st REM / ISAS Astrophysics Colloquium : August 9th, 2019, Friday
- Time: 13:00-14:00
- Location: Room 1537, Bild.A, 5F in JAXA Sagamihara campus
- Speaker: Morio Toyoshima (NICT)
Title: "Recent Trends of Space Laser Communications"
- Information for Zoom remote connection
Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/5045179604
- password: ask an organizer
Jointly organized with the ISAS Astrophysics Colloquia
Archives for the past talks
- Most of the archives for the earlier years are written in Japanese (it is a history!).
Useful links
How to receive the announcements
One has to subscribe to the mailing list called gw_comm in order to receive our announcement emails. Please ask one of our organizers for subscription.
The organizers can be found in this page.