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Information for researchers. For general information, please go to [[|]]. ------ ||<10%>Contents in this page ||<10% #FFFD8C style="text-align:center">[[#links|[1] Links]] ||<10% #FFFD8C style="text-align:center">[[#KSC|[2] KSC contents]] ||<10% #FFFD8C style="text-align:center">[[#access|[3] Site Access]] ||<10% #FFFD8C style="text-align:center">[[#subsystems|[4] Subsystems]] ||<10% #FFFD8C style="text-align:center">[[#others|[5] Other information]] || || || || || || || || ||<10%>Quick Links: ||<10% #ffdcdc style="text-align:center">[[KAGRA/KSC/FAQ|FAQ]] ||<10% #ffdcdc style="text-align:center">[[KAGRA/KSC|KSC page]] ||<10% #FFFD8C style="text-align:center">[[KAGRA/KSC/O3|O3a]], [[KAGRA/KSC/O3b|O3b]] ||<10% #FFFD8C style="text-align:center">[[LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2020August|F2F August 2020]] ||<10% #ffdcdc style="text-align:center">[[KAGRA/KSC/YourActionRequired|YourActionRequired]] || || ||[[#Level0|Join KAGRA]] || || || [[|Registration page]] [[|wiki (need PW) ]] || || |
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== LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration meeting March 2021 == * [[|Announce page]], [[|Registration page]] (restricted only to LVK collaborators) * Poster [[|registration]]. More information at [[|LIGO wiki]]. |
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* LIGO Data Grid access is available. See [kagra 03375] and [[|here]]. * '''Application to access account for LVC resources (gw-astronomy account)'''. See [kagra 03713] and apply from [[|here]]. * [[KAGRA/KSC/FAQ|FAQ]] (Frequently Asked Question page) is open. The sample of [[#acknowledgment|Acknowledgment]]. . [[KAGRA/KSC/O3|O3a]], [[KAGRA/KSC/O3b|O3b]] information pages, and [[KAGRA/KSC/YourActionRequired|YourActionRequired]], [[KAGRA/CollaborationMOU|Collaboration MoU]], [[KAGRA/KSC/O3CommitmentForm|O3CommitmentForm]] pages are now separated. * Past meetings * '''KSC telecon''': December 1 (Tue), 2020 @ Zoom [[KAGRA/KSC/Meeting#20201201]] * The 26th KAGRA Face-to-Face meeting: '''Online Style''' : December 17-18, 2020. [[|New wiki ]] (requires KAGRA account) * The 7th KAGRA International Workshop (KIW7) at National Central University in Taiwan December 18-20, 2020. [[|Website]] * Coming meetings * The 8th KAGRA International Workshop (KIW8) at KASI, Korea, July 7-9, 2021. * The 9th KAGRA International Workshop (KIW8) at Beijing, China, Spring 2022. /* Postponement of meetings */ /* GWADW at Hokkaido (planned in the middle of May, 2020) is postponed a year. */ /* Recent meetings */ /* KSC Remote Meeting (KSC telecon) before F2F, November 22 (Fri) 17:00 JST. See [[KAGRA/KSC/Meeting|Agenda]] */ /* The 24th KAGRA Face-to-Face meeting: at RESCUE, 2019 December 4 (Wed) - 5 (Thur). [[LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2019Dec|web site]] */ /* The 23rd KAGRA Face-to-Face meeting: at Univ. Toyama, 2019 August 22 (Thur) - 24 (Sat). [[LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2019August|web site]] */ /* We had 140 participants. Thank you for your contributions. */ /* The [[|registration page]] will open July 16 (Tue). */ /* deadline of registration with KAGRA-site tour : July 31, 2019 (23:59 JST) */ /* deadline of registration : August 7, 2019 (23:59 JST) */ /* See you in Toyama soon. Registration was closed. */ /* [[KAGRA/Meeting/Reviews/PAB|Program Advisory Committee (PAB)]] was held at ICRR, Kashiwa campus on May 9(Thur) to 10(Fri), 2019 */ /* The 6th KAGRA International workshop: at Wuhan, China, 2019 June 21 (Fri) - 23 (Sun). [[|web site]] */ /* The important deadlines are: */ /* deadline of abstract and poster : May 20, 2019 */ /* deadline of hotel reservation : June 1, 2019 */ /* Oral presentation submission: January 13, 2019 */ /* Poster submission: January 27, 2019 */ /* ICRR's Fiscal Year 2020 Inter-University Research Program [[|English page]], [[|Japanese page]] (application deadline: January 7, 2020) */ |
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=== Links === | <<Anchor(links)>> |
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. KAGRA webs site ([[|Japanese]], [[|English]]) | == [1] Links == ||<#F0F0FF>'''Meetings''' ||[[KAGRA/Meeting/Collaboration|KAGRA collaboration meeting]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/Meeting/F2F|KAGRA f2f meeting]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/Meeting/KIW|KAGRA International Workshop]] <<BR>> [[|Chief Meeting blog]] ([[KAGRA/Meeting/Chief|Old Chief Meeting]]) <<BR>> [[KAGRA/Meeting/Reviews|Reviews]]<<BR>> [[LCGT/ELiTES|ET-KAGRA collaboration (ELiTES)]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/Meetings/events|Related events]] ||<#F0F0FF>'''Documents'''<<BR>>'''/Information''' || [[|Summary of various KAGRA accounts]] <<BR>> [[|Mailing lists]] <<BR>>[[|KAGRA log]] (klog) <<BR>> [[|JGWDoc]]<<BR>>[[|KAGRA DAC wiki]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/DesignDocumentTree|KAGRA Design Document Tree]] <<BR>> [[|Blogs]]<<BR>> [[|SVN]]<<BR>>[[|Bugzilla]] -- issue tracker (internal only)<<BR>> [[KAGRA/MOU|MOU]]<<BR>> [[KAGRA/Terminology|Terminology]]<<BR>>[[KAGRA/Publications|Publications]] <<BR>> [[|Collaboration Member list]]<<BR>>[[|Operation Manuals]]<<BR>>[[KAGRA/Reports|KAGRA reports]] <<BR>> [[|KAGRA Daily Morning Meeting]] <<BR>> || ||<#F0F0FF>'''Task management''' ||[[KAGRA/Subgroups/SiteShift|Site Shift schedule]]<<BR>>[[|KAGRA organization chart]]<<BR>> [[|Project Chart page]]<<BR>> Reservation for the[[|KoachFilters]] ||<#F0F0FF>'''Tools''' ||How to upload documents to JGWDoc ([[JGWDoc/HowTo/UpLoad|Japanese]], [[JGWDoc/HowTo/UpLoadE|English]])<<BR>> How to use [[LCGT/SVN|SVN]]<<BR>> How to use this JGW wiki ([[newusers|Japanese]], [[newusersE|English]])<<BR>> How to start using [[kloghelp|klog]]<<BR>> How to use [[RemoteParticipation|Remote participation tools]] || |
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||[[LCGT/Meeting| Meetings]]||[[LCGT/Meeting/weekly|KAGRA collaboration meeting]] <<BR>> [[LCGT/Meeting/f2f/Top|KAGRA f2f meeting]] <<BR>> [[LCGT/Meeting/Leader|Chief Meeting]] <<BR>> [[LCGT/Meeting/Reviews|Reviews]] || ||Subsystem || [[LCGT/iLCGT|iKAGRA wiki]] <<BR>> [[LCGT/bLCGT|bKAGRA wiki]] <<BR>> [[LCGT/AIC|advanced-study group wiki]] <<BR>> [[|KAGRA subsystem BLOG]]|| ||Special WG || [[LCGT/Meeting/RoadMap|KAGRA Roadmap]]<<BR>> [[LCGT/subgroup/ifo/RSERoadMap|RSE Roadmap]] <<BR>> Bandwidth ([[LCGT/subgroup/ifo/BW|~2009]], [[LCGT/subgroup/ifo/LCGT-LF|LF]], [[LCGT/subgroup/ifo/BW2|22cm]]) <<BR>>[[LCGT/Meeting/Instrument|Instrument]]<<BR>> [[LCGT/subgroup/ifo/SPI|SPI study (~2009)]] <<BR>> || ||Documents || [[|JGWDoc]]<<BR>> [[|SVN]]<<BR>> [[LCGT/Terminology|Terminology]]|| ||Tools||How to use this [[newusers|JGW Wiki]]<<BR>> KAGRA [[|conference calendar]]<<BR>> How to use [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|EVO]]<<BR>> How to upload documents to [[JGWDoc/HowTo/UpLoad|JGWDoc]]<<BR>> How to use [[LCGT/SVN|SVN]]<<BR>> [[LCGT/subgroup/howtojoin|Mailing lists]]|| |
||<#F0FFF0>'''Commissioning''' ||[[KAGRA/Commissioning|Commissioning top]] ||<#F0FFF0>'''Engineering Run''' ||[[KAGRA/EngineeringRun/ER191217_24|ER191217-24]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/EngineeringRun/ER200220-25|ER200220-25]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/EngineeringRun/ER200401-0407|ER200401-0407]] ||<#F0FFF0>'''KAGRA-JRPC''' ||[[KAGRA/EngineeringRun/kagra-jrpc|20-01-24]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/EngineeringRun/kagra-jrpc|20-02-20]] ||<#F0FFF0>'''Observation''' ||[[KAGRA/Observation|Observation top]]<<BR>> [[KAGRA/Observation/iKAGRA|iKAGRA observation]] (2016:3/15-31, 4/11-25) <<BR>> [[KAGRA/Commissioning/Phase1/Operation|bKAGRA phase1]] (2018:4/28-5/6) <<BR>> [[KAGRA/Observation/KAGRA-1|KAGRA 1st observation]](2020/2/25-3/10, 4/7-4/21) || ||<#F0FFF0>'''Upgrades'''||[[KAGRA/Upgrades/PostO3Upgrades|Post O3 upgrades]]<<BR>>[[KAGRA/Upgrades/PostO4Upgrades|Post O4 upgrades]]||<#F0FFF0> || ||<#F0FFF0> || ||<#F0FFF0> || || |
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---- === Project time-line === |
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* Time-line chart is [[|here|width=300]] (password protected). * iKAGRA stands for "initial KAGRA" which aims at the observation in the earlier stage with a simple configuration. * bKAGRA stands for "baseline KAGRA" which aims at the observation in 2017 and later with the full configuration. ---- === Organization chart (design/construction phase) === [[attachment:LCGT/organization3.png|{{attachment:LCGT/organization4.png|approved on Nov 2nd|width=300}}|width=300]] * Subsystem members are listed [[LCGT/iLCGT/Subgroup/Members|here]]. ---- === Official Sensitivity of bKAGRA === [[attachment:LCGT/sensitivity.png|{{attachment:LCGT/sensitivity.png|latest sensitivity curve|width=400}}|width=400]] * Website about the KAGRA sensitivity is [[|here]]. * Parameter list is [[|here]]. ---- === KAGRA Official Documents === .[[|KAGRA design document Ver 3.0]] .[[|Interface Control Document (ICD)]] (Also see [[LCGT/Interface|Interface Control wiki]]) .[[|System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP)]] |
||<#ffdcdc>'''Safety and Activity Control''' ||[[KAGRA/Safety|Safety top]] ||[[|Warning System (in UTnet)]] ||[[|Workers Monitoring (in UTnet)]] ||[[|Collaborators Entrance Application]] || |
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<<Anchor(KSC)>> == [2] KSC contents == KSC = KAGRA Scientific Congress ||<#F0FFF0>'''KSC''' ||[[KAGRA/KSC|KSC page]] ([[|KSCboard]], [[|Committees]], [[|KSC members]]) || ||<#F0FFF0>'''KSC newsletter''' ||[[|No.7 (2020 April)]], [[|No.6 (2019 December)]], [[|No.5 (2019 August)]], [[|No.4 (2019 April)]], [[|No.3 (2018 December)]], [[|No.2 (2018 August)]], [[|No.1 (2018 April)]] || ||<#F0FFF0>'''Rules and Regulations''' ||[[#regulations|links in KSC page]] || === KAGRA Data Analysis Working Group === ||<#F0FFF0>'''Data Analysis Working Group''' ||[[KAGRA/DAWG|Data Analysis Working Group Top Page]] || ||<#F0FFF0>'''Data Analysis Committee''' ||[[KAGRA/DAWG/DAC|Data Analysis Committee Top Page]] || ||<#F0FFF0>'''Working Groups''' ||[[KAGRA/DAWG/CBC|CBC]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/DAWG/Burst|Burst]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/DAWG/CW|Continuous Waves]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/DAWG/Stochastic|Stochastic background]] <<BR>> [[KAGRA/DAWG/CSWG|Computing and Software]] || * [[|Application form for an account of KAGRA Main Storage System]] ---- <<Anchor(documents)>> === KAGRA Documents === . [[KAGRA/MOU|MOU]] . [[KAGRA/DesignDocumentTree|KAGRA Document Tree]] . [[|KAGRA design document Ver 3.0]] . [[|Interface Control Document (ICD)]] (Also see [[KAGRA/Interface|Interface Control wiki]]) . [[|System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP)]] . [[KAGRA/KSC/FAQ|FAQ (frequently asked questions) to the KAGRA collaboration]] (under editing) <<Anchor(pubpolicy)>> . [[|KAGRA publication policy]] (inc. the procedure to submit for the JPS meetings) * [[|CPC submission Page]] ---- <<Anchor(access)>> == [3] Site Access information == * KAGRA website ([[|Japanese]], [[|English]]) . {{{#!wiki red/solid '''ATTENTION!''' No stores in Mozumi(KAGRA site area). Please bring your own food and drinks. }}} * [[attachment:how_to_get_to_KAGRA_Observatory.pdf|Access to KAGRA site]] * [[|Bus/Train time table (From February 1, 2021)]] * [[|Taxi service between Inotani and Kamioka (Prior permission required. Read the rule for use)]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/SiteShift|Site Shift information]] * Accommodation during KAGRA stay: Locomotion in Osawano: * [[|Reservation page]] * [[|User application form for ICRR-KAGRA accommodations]] * YUKI house * [[attachment:Access to YUKI-house.pdf|Access to Yuki house]] * [[attachment:0109 YUKIhouse_manual_J.pdf|Yuki house Manual(Japanese)]][[attachment:0109 YUKIhouse_manual.pdf|(English)]] * [[KAGRA/KamiokaLife|How to enjoy Kamioka]] * Locomotion * [[attachment:20160215_Locomotion_access_information_J.pdf|Access to Locomotion (Japanese)]][[attachment:20160215_Locomotion_access_information_E.pdf|(English)]][[attachment:Locomotion⇔KAGRA site by public transportation.pdf|Locomotion⇔KAGRA site by public transportation(English)]] * [[attachment:20171012_Locomotion_Manual_J.pdf|Locomotion Manual (Japanese)]][[attachment:20171101 Locomotion Manual_e.pdf|(English)]] * How to take garbage away in KAGRA site (in Japanese): [[|Manual]] == How to work at the KAGRA site? == * Material of morning meeting in the Dropbox folder (in Japanese): [[|Take a file named today's date.]] * Application to enter the KAGRA mine: [[|Google Doc]] * How to purchase items you need (in Japanese): [[|Proceedure]] * Application for requesting mine work to Kamioka-kougyo (in Japanese): [[|Application form]] * 1F TV meeting room at Kenkyu-to(Hokubu-kaikan): [[|Reservation page]] * 2F meeting room at Kenkyu-to(Hokubu-kaikan): [[|Reservation page]] * Reservation for [[|Zoom]] * Reservation for the [[|Koach Filters]] == Technical information == * Table of KAGRA location ([[|Table]]) ---- <<Anchor(subsystems)>> == [4] Subsystems == <<Include(KAGRA/Subgroups)>> ---- <<Anchor(others)>> == [5] Other information == == Target Sensitivity of bKAGRA == [[attachment:bKAGRASensitivityAug2017.png|{{attachment:bKAGRASensitivityAug2017.png|latest estimated sensitivity curve|width="600"}}]] * Sensitivity data can be downloaded from [[|JGW-T1707038]] * Website about the KAGRA sensitivity is [[|here]]. * Parameter list is [[|here]]. |
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. [[LCGT/old|Old wiki page]] | * [[KAGRA/GWstudentJC|重力波学生輪読]] * [[|合同サブグループ説明会]] * [[KAGRA/StudentMeeting|Student meeting]] * [[KAGRA/IFOBasicLec|干渉計基礎レク]] * [[KAGRA/YoungResearcher|For Young Researchers]] * [[Materials for Visitors]] Slides, Posters etc. to guide visitors of KAGRA * [[KAGRA CG Illustrations]] Stunning CG Illustrations by Rey.Hori . {{attachment:KAGRA_generalView1_WEB_190326.png|view1|width="240"}} {{attachment:KAGRA_generalView2_MirrorFloor_WithConnectionline_WEB_190326.png|view2|width="240"}} {{attachment:KAGRA_mirrorDetail_WEB_190331.png|zoomview1|width="240"}} . {{attachment:KAGRA_birdseyeView_WEB_200322.png|birdseye|width="240"}} {{attachment:KAGRA_lowerView_TransparentBG_HD_200308.png|lower view|width="240"}} {{attachment:KAGRA_upperView2_HD_200309.png|upper view|width="240"}} |
Information for researchers. For general information, please go to
Contents in this page
Quick Links:
LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration meeting March 2021
Announce page, Registration page (restricted only to LVK collaborators)
Poster registration. More information at LIGO wiki.
LIGO Data Grid access is available. See [kagra 03375] and here.
Application to access account for LVC resources (gw-astronomy account). See [kagra 03713] and apply from here.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Question page) is open. The sample of Acknowledgment.
O3a, O3b information pages, and YourActionRequired, Collaboration MoU, O3CommitmentForm pages are now separated.
- Past meetings
KSC telecon: December 1 (Tue), 2020 @ Zoom KAGRA/KSC/Meeting#20201201
The 26th KAGRA Face-to-Face meeting: Online Style : December 17-18, 2020. New wiki (requires KAGRA account)
The 7th KAGRA International Workshop (KIW7) at National Central University in Taiwan December 18-20, 2020. Website
- Coming meetings
- The 8th KAGRA International Workshop (KIW8) at KASI, Korea, July 7-9, 2021.
- The 9th KAGRA International Workshop (KIW8) at Beijing, China, Spring 2022.
[1] Links
Meetings |
KAGRA collaboration meeting |
Documents |
Summary of various KAGRA accounts |
Task management |
Site Shift schedule |
Tools |
How to upload documents to JGWDoc (Japanese, English) |
Commissioning |
Engineering Run |
Observation |
Observation top |
Upgrades |
Safety and Activity Control |
[2] KSC contents
KSC = KAGRA Scientific Congress
KSC newsletter |
No.7 (2020 April), No.6 (2019 December), No.5 (2019 August), No.4 (2019 April), No.3 (2018 December), No.2 (2018 August), No.1 (2018 April) |
Rules and Regulations |
KAGRA Data Analysis Working Group
Data Analysis Working Group |
Data Analysis Committee |
Working Groups |
KAGRA Documents
Interface Control Document (ICD) (Also see Interface Control wiki)
FAQ (frequently asked questions) to the KAGRA collaboration (under editing)
KAGRA publication policy (inc. the procedure to submit for the JPS meetings)
[3] Site Access information
ATTENTION! No stores in Mozumi(KAGRA site area). Please bring your own food and drinks.
- Accommodation during KAGRA stay: Locomotion in Osawano:
- YUKI house
- Locomotion
How to take garbage away in KAGRA site (in Japanese): Manual
How to work at the KAGRA site?
Material of morning meeting in the Dropbox folder (in Japanese): Take a file named today's date.
Application to enter the KAGRA mine: Google Doc
How to purchase items you need (in Japanese): Proceedure
Application for requesting mine work to Kamioka-kougyo (in Japanese): Application form
1F TV meeting room at Kenkyu-to(Hokubu-kaikan): Reservation page
2F meeting room at Kenkyu-to(Hokubu-kaikan): Reservation page
Reservation for Zoom
Reservation for the Koach Filters
Technical information
Table of KAGRA location (Table)
[4] Subsystems
Subgroup name |
Links |
0 |
System Integration |
--- |
1 |
Tunnel |
2 |
Facility |
3 |
Vacuum |
4 |
Cryogenics |
5 |
Vibration Isolation |
6 |
Mirror |
7 |
Laser |
8 |
Main Interferometer |
9 |
Input/Output Optics |
10 |
Auxiliary Optics Subsystem |
11 |
Analog Electronics |
12 |
Digital System |
13 |
Data Management |
14 |
Data Analysis |
15 |
Geophysics Interferometer |
16 |
Detector Characterization |
17 |
Calibration |
18 |
Physical Environment Monitors |
** |
Advanced R&D |
** |
NAOJ Test alog |
(NAOJ) |
** |
KAGRA Stock in Shelfs |
* Some of the activities in the mine by NAOJ group are reported on NAOJ test alog.
[5] Other information
Target Sensitivity of bKAGRA
Sensitivity data can be downloaded from JGW-T1707038
Website about the KAGRA sensitivity is here.
Parameter list is here.
Misc. (tools, past discussions, etc.)
Materials for Visitors Slides, Posters etc. to guide visitors of KAGRA
KAGRA CG Illustrations Stunning CG Illustrations by Rey.Hori