Differences between revisions 176 and 339 (spanning 163 versions)
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Revision 339 as of 2022-07-22 13:53:16
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= Physical Environment Monitors (PEM) Subgroup =
||<#F7BE81> '''Meeting''' ||<#F7BE81> '''General Information ''' ||<#F7BE81> '''Projects''' ||<#F7BE81> '''Documents'''||<#F7BE81> '''Link'''||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Meeting|PEM Meeting]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/List |PEM List]] || [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/5|Argent Problem]] || [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9295|PEM JGWdoc Tree]] || [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yamat/KAGRA/bruco | Bruco Summary Page (by T.Yamamoto)]] ||
|| [[KAGRA/Commissioning|Commisioning Meeting]] ||[[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~washimi/KAGRA/PEM/PEMmap/|PEM MAP]]([[http://k1sum0/~controls/PEMmap/ | k1sum0]]) || [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/4|PEM Data Quality Flag]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/SummaryPage | Summary Page Manual]] || [[http://pem.ligo.org|LIGO PEM]] ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting|DetChar Meetings]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/ADC | ADC port list]] || [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/3|Monitor Characterization ]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Bruco | KAGRA Bruco Manual]] || [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yuzu/bKAGRA_summary/html/|YuzuSummary]] ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/EnMeeting|PEM English Meeting]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/ImportantChannelList | Important Channel list]]|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/TASK/OLD | Old issue]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/knowhow|Usefull KnowHow]] || --- ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/ExMeeting|PEM Expand Meeting]] || -- || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Projects/Rem|Ondotori]] || [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9535| How to use PEM Github]] || -- ||
|| -- || -- || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Projects/ligoDV|ligoDV]] || || ||
|| -- || -- || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Vmon|vacuum monitor]] || || ||
|| -- || -- || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Weather|Weather Station]] || || ||
|| -- || -- || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Portable|Portable PEM]] || || ||
= Physical Environment Monitoring (PEM) Subgroup =

Line 15: Line 7:
 1. ~+PEM is sensing system to check the detector health, noise source and h(t) data quality+~
 2. ~+__'''Selection, installation and maintenance of PEMs in KAGRA detector are the main tasks'''__ so that the data necessary for commissioning procedure are collected.+~
 1. PEM is sensing system to check the detector health, noise source and h(t) data quality
 2. __'''Selection, installation and maintenance of PEMs in KAGRA detector are the main tasks'''__ so that the data necessary for commissioning procedure are collected.
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From [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8401| JGW-E1808401]]  From [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8401|JGW-E1808401]]
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=== Special issue === -----
== Monitoring & Summary Pages ==
Line 22: Line 15:
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Reports|Reports]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/CHName | definition of channel name]]

=== external ===
 * [[KAGRA/ICRRzemi2019|ICRR輪読]]
|| [[https://gwdet.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~controls/summary/|KAGRA Daily Summary page]] || Time series of the trend data (mean, max, min for each sec) || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/SummaryPage|manual]] ||
|| [[https://gwdet.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~controls/slowmonitor/index.html|SEM]] || Slow Environment Monitors (Room temperature, Cryogenic, Vacuum, ...) || ||
|| [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11806|KAGRA street view]] || Google street view like panorama tool (Holobuilder) || ||
Line 30: Line 21:
== Sensor & Channel Information ==
Line 31: Line 23:
under construction

~+Physical Environment Monitors (PEM) Subgroup+~


== Monitoring Pages ==

 [[http://k1sum0/~controls/summary/day/20190707/pem/pem_summary/|KAGRA PEM Summary page]] ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/SummaryPage|manual]])

 [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yuzu/bKAGRA_summary/html/|Yuzu Summary]]

 [[|Weather Station]] ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Weather|manual]])

 [[|vacuum monitor]]
|| [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~washimi/KAGRA/PEM/PEMmap/|PEM MAP]] (editing for O4) || Location map for the fixed PEM sensors ||[[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~washimi/KAGRA/PEM/PEMmap/archives/O3GK/|O3GK]] ||
||<(|2> [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xISFWRnT9Y2N-bxVqAFHlwZMDI-AxOJUF_S3deEMjW8/edit?usp=sharing|PEM Sensor List]] (Frequently updated)|| place, hardweare, and digital system information for PEM sensors|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/List|Channel Name Definition]] ||
||<-2> [[Accelerometer|ACC]] / [[Microphone|MIC]] / [[Magnetometer|MAG]] / SEIS / [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Projects/Rem|ONDTR]] / [[Weather station|WEATHER]] / [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Vmon|VAC]] ||
|| [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OHBOrNFt_Fpre-T-oSCkupGevc976d8T2PI9TVS_6pI/edit?usp=sharing|E-Rack layout for PEM]] (Frequently updated)|| [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9427|All DGS rack layout]] || ||
|| [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11565|ADC/DAC port list]] || ADC/DAC port list in KAGRA digital system || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/IP|IP list]] ||
|| [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Portable|Chromebook PEM]] || Completely stand-alone portable PEM using Chromebook || ||
Line 48: Line 31:
== Sensor Information ==
Line 50: Line 32:
 [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xISFWRnT9Y2N-bxVqAFHlwZMDI-AxOJUF_S3deEMjW8/edit?usp=sharing|PEM List]] ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/List |manual]])
Line 52: Line 33:
 [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~washimi/KAGRA/PEM/PEMmap/|PEM MAP]]([[http://k1sum0/~controls/PEMmap/ | k1sum0]]) -----
== Meetings ==
 * Zoom 1 URL: [[https://zoom.us/j/7631499341]]
 * Zoom 2 URL: [[https://zoom.us/j/6676627462]]
 * Zoom 3 URL: [[https://zoom.us/j/5045179604]]

||<-4 #F7BE81> '''PEM Meeting''' ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Meeting|Regular meeting]] || Every Friday 17:00-18:00 || [[https://zoom.us/j/6676627462|Zoom2]] || Japanese ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/EnMeeting|Virgo-KAGRA meeting]] || Monthly (3rd Friday) || [[https://zoom.us/j/6676627462|Zoom2]] || English ||
||<-4 #F7BE81> '''Related Meetings''' ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting|DetChar Meeting]] || Every Thursday 14:00- || [[https://zoom.us/j/5045179604|Zoom3]] || English ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/MeetingNAOJ|VIS Meeting]] || Every Friday 14:00- || [[https://zoom.us/j/203743987|NAOJ Zoom]]|| English ||
||<-4 #F7BE81> '''Voluntary seminar''' ||
|| [[KAGRA/ICRRzemi2019|ICRR輪読]] || Every Wednesday 10:00- || || Japanese ||
|| [[KAGRA/IFOBasicLec|干渉計基礎レク]] || Every other Monday 13:30- || || Japanese ||
|| [[https://gwpo.nao.ac.jp/wiki/Meetings/JournalClub|NAOJ voluntary journal club]] || Every Tuesday 15:00 -16:00 || [[https://zoom.us/j/409962326|NAOJ Zoom]] || English ||
|| [[gw_talks|重力波研究交流会]] || Monthly Friday 13:00-14:00 || [[https://zoom.us/j/5045179604|Zoom3]] || ||
|| オンサイト一般相対論講義           || Every Friday 18:00- || [[https://zoom.us/j/6676627462|Zoom2]] || Japanese ||
|| [[KAGRA/StudentMeeting|Student meeting]] || irregular || || Japanese ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Reports/onsitezemi|オンサイト論文紹介]] || end || || Japanese ||

== Logbooks and Reports ==

 * ~+[[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/|k-log]]+~
 * ~+[[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/issues|GitHub issues]]+~ ([[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed|closed issues]]) ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9535|manual]] / [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/PEMinjection/HowToUseGithubProjects|old manual]])
  * [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/5|Argent Problem]] / [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/4|PEM Data Quality Flag]] / [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/3|Monitor Characterization ]] / [[https://github.com/gw-analysis/detector-characterization/issues|Old GitHub]]
 * ~+[[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWDoc/Welcome.html|JGWdoc]]+~
  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9295|PEM document Tree]]
 * ~+[[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/PEMinjection/|PEM injection]]+~
   * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/PEMinjection/bKAGRA-phase1|bKAGRA phase1]]
   * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/PEMinjection/O3|O3]]
 * ~+ Comisshoning task +~
   * [[KAGRA/EngineeringRun/ER191217_24|Engineering Run 2019/12/17-24]]
   * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/TaskPreO3 | Pre O3 shift tasks]]
   * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/MAR2020|PEM tasks during commissioning break(Mar 2020)]]
 * ~+[[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Reports|Reports]] +~
 * ~+[[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/TASK/OLD |Old issue]] +~
 * ~+ [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/archive|Noise archive]] +~

== Tools & Manuals for KAGRA worker ==

||<-2 #ffc0cb> '''[[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Manual|Onsite Digital System]] ''' ||
|| MEDM ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Manual/MEDM|DGS]], [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/MEDM|VIS]], [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5913|lecture]])|| Motif Editor and Display Manager - tool for editing control screens ||
|| Foton ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/Foton|VIS]], [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5912|lecture]]) || Tool for editing filters used by realtime models ||
|| Real time model ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5910|lecture]]) || Matlab ||
|| Dataviewer ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Manual/DataViewer|DGS]], [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/DV|VIS]], [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5912|lecture]]) || Viewing live and past data in the time domain ||
|| Diaggui ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Manual/Diaggui|DGS]], [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/diaggui|VIS]], [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5912|lecture]]) || Diagnostics Test Tools (a.k.a., DTT) spectral analysis and transfer functions of live data ||
|| Strip Tool ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/StripTool|VIS]]) || Monitor slowly changing signals ||
|| Guardian ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/Guardian|VIS]]) || Tool for monitoring and changing the state of systems ||
|| SDF ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/SDF|VIS]], [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9228|lecture]]) || Tool for checking if the setting of systems are in the expected state ||
|| BURT ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Manual/BURT|DGS]]) || take a snapshot ||
|| Remote Desktop ([[KAGRA/RemoteDesktop|DGS]], [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/Remote|VIS]]) || Remote access to Kamioka workstations ||
|| [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yamat/KAGRA/capture/index.html|Screen Captures]] || Screen Captures of PCs in KAGRA control room || ||
||<-2 #ffc0cb> '''[[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET|DetChar]] Tools''' ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/OmegaScan|Omega-scan]] || Glitch trigger ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Omicron|Omicron]] || Glitch trigger ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/GlitchPlot|GlitchPlot]] || glitch and lock loss study project ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/NoEMi|NoEMi]] || Virgo software tool dedicated to the monitoring and identification of spectral noise lines ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Fscan|Fscan]] || Visualization of one-day spectrogram ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Bruco|Bruco]] || Coherence list ||
|| [[|Pastavi]] || Past data viewer ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11887|manual]]) ||
|| [[|Noise budgetter]] || plot the noise budget ([[KAGRA/Commissioning/NoiseBudgetter|Users manual]]) ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/KleineWelle|KleineWelle]] || ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/DataQuality|Data Quality info]] || ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Projects/ligoDV|ligoDV]] || obtain data from NDS server and plot in the various ways using GUI ||
||<-2 #ffc0cb> '''Kashiwa Server''' ||
||<(|3> KAGRA main system || Strage of flame files, analysis, ... ||
|| [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=10105|Overview]], [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=10201|Application form]], [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=10076|Startup Guide]] , [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/UseKashiwaPC| setup memo]] ||
|| [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~stsuchid/dmgmon/|DMG status web page]], [[https://yukimura.hep.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ocumon/|Calibrated strain data (C10) status web page]] ||
|| [[http://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/computer/index.html|ICRR共同利用計算機]] || VPN, mail (@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp), user's html, etc. ||
||<-2 #ffc0cb> '''Setup your own PC''' ||
|| for Mac user || ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Windows|for Windows user]] || Installation of Ubuntu (''Windows Subsystem for Linux'' or ''VM ware Player'') and its setup ||
|| for Chromebook user || See [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Portable]] ||
||<-2 #ffc0cb> '''Python''' ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/PythonMemoJP|Python memo in Japanese]] || Memos for frame file analysis with python (witten in Japanese) ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Conda|Anaconda / Miniconda]] || An open source package management system and environment management system ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Jupyter|Jupyter Notebook]] || An open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. ||
||<(|3> [[https://gwpy.github.io/docs/stable/index.html|GWpy]] || a python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics. ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/gwpy|Memos in old Detchar]] ||
|| [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=10309|Kozapy]] ([[https://github.com/gw-detchar/Kozapy|Github]], [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=9923|shortcut]]) ||
||<-2 #ffc0cb> '''C/C++''' ||
|| ROOT || analysis tool by CERN ([[https://phst.hateblo.jp/entry/2019/04/10/102907|install guide in Japanese]]) ||
||<-2 #ffc0cb> '''Others''' ||
|| [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/S-Number|Make S-Number sticker]] || ||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/ImportantChannelList | Important Channel list]] || ||

== External Links ==

=== LIGO / Virgo ===

 [[https://summary.ligo.org/|LIGO Summary page]]

 [[https://monitor.ligo.org/ldg|LIGO Data Grid Status]]

 [[http://pem.ligo.org|LIGO PEM webpage]] ([[http://pem.ligo.org/channelinfo/index.php|Hanford MAP]] / [[http://pem.ligo.org/channelinfo/index.php|Livingston MAP]])

 [[https://wiki.virgo-gw.eu/Commissioning/EnvMon/WebHome|Virgo ENV wiki]]

 [[https://vim-online.virgo-gw.eu/?config=7|Virgo ENV Summary Page]]

 [[https://wiki.ligo.org/DetChar/WebHome?redirectedfrom=Main.DetChar|LIGO DetChar wiki]]

 [[https://wiki.virgo-gw.eu/DetChar/WebHome|Virgo DetChar wiki]]

 [[https://www.andrews.edu/~tzs/timeconv/timeconvert.php?|GPS Time Converter]]

=== Enviromental information (Meteorogy, Geophysics) ===
 * General
   * [[https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/index.html|気象庁]]
   * [[https://www.jma-net.go.jp/gifu/|岐阜地方気象台]]
   * [[https://www.jma-net.go.jp/toyama/index.html|富山地方気象台]]
 * Earthquake
   * [[https://www.quakemap.info/|日本地震マップ]]
   * [[http://www.kmoni.bosai.go.jp/|強震モニタ]]
   * [[https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/|USGS Advanced National Seismic System]]
   * [[http://www.hinet.bosai.go.jp/?LANG=en|Hi-net高感度地震観測網]]
 * Ocean Wave
   * [[https://www.mlit.go.jp/kowan/nowphas/index_eng.html|NOWPHAS]] (全国港湾海洋波浪情報網): The Nationwide Ocean Wave information network for Ports and HArbourS
   * [[https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-221.96,34.66,3000/loc=137.373,36.410|Earth Nullschool]] : See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions
   * [[https://www.imocwx.com/cwm.php|沿岸波浪予想]]
 * Typhoon
   * [[https://zoom.earth/|Zoom Earth]] (real time typhoon monitoring)

 * Lightning
   * [[http://jp.blitzortung.org/live_lightning_maps.php?map=41|Blitzortung.org]]
   * [[http://www.5656jp.com/index.html|雷現象技術情報]] (湘南工科大学)
 * Others
   * [[http://www.kakioka-jma.go.jp/obsdata/data_plot.html|Kakioka Magnetic Observatory]] (気象庁地磁気観測所観測データ)
   * [[http://infrasound.kochi-tech.ac.jp/infrasound/graph.php|InfraSound Observation Network System]] (高知工科大学)
   * [[http://micos-sc.jwa.or.jp/infrasound-net/observed/|日本気象協会インフラサウンド・モニタリング・ネットワーク]]
   * [[https://www.cbr.mlit.go.jp/takayama/cctv/cctv_north.html?cctv=a06&area=north|道路状況ライブカメラ(飛騨市神岡町地内 土)]]
   * [[https://gis.jag-japan.com/covid19jp/|都道府県別新型コロナウイルス感染者数マップ]](ジャッグジャパン株式会社)

Physical Environment Monitoring (PEM) Subgroup

Definition and scope

  1. PEM is sensing system to check the detector health, noise source and h(t) data quality
  2. Selection, installation and maintenance of PEMs in KAGRA detector are the main tasks so that the data necessary for commissioning procedure are collected.

    From JGW-E1808401

Monitoring & Summary Pages

KAGRA Daily Summary page

Time series of the trend data (mean, max, min for each sec)



Slow Environment Monitors (Room temperature, Cryogenic, Vacuum, ...)

KAGRA street view

Google street view like panorama tool (Holobuilder)

Sensor & Channel Information

PEM MAP (editing for O4)

Location map for the fixed PEM sensors


PEM Sensor List (Frequently updated)

place, hardweare, and digital system information for PEM sensors

Channel Name Definition


E-Rack layout for PEM (Frequently updated)

All DGS rack layout

ADC/DAC port list

ADC/DAC port list in KAGRA digital system

IP list

Chromebook PEM

Completely stand-alone portable PEM using Chromebook


PEM Meeting

Regular meeting

Every Friday 17:00-18:00



Virgo-KAGRA meeting

Monthly (3rd Friday)



Related Meetings

DetChar Meeting

Every Thursday 14:00-



VIS Meeting

Every Friday 14:00-



Voluntary seminar


Every Wednesday 10:00-



Every other Monday 13:30-


NAOJ voluntary journal club

Every Tuesday 15:00 -16:00




Monthly Friday 13:00-14:00



Every Friday 18:00-



Student meeting






Logbooks and Reports

Tools & Manuals for KAGRA worker

Onsite Digital System

MEDM (DGS, VIS, lecture)

Motif Editor and Display Manager - tool for editing control screens

Foton (VIS, lecture)

Tool for editing filters used by realtime models

Real time model (lecture)


Dataviewer (DGS, VIS, lecture)

Viewing live and past data in the time domain

Diaggui (DGS, VIS, lecture)

Diagnostics Test Tools (a.k.a., DTT) spectral analysis and transfer functions of live data

Strip Tool (VIS)

Monitor slowly changing signals

Guardian (VIS)

Tool for monitoring and changing the state of systems

SDF (VIS, lecture)

Tool for checking if the setting of systems are in the expected state


take a snapshot

Remote Desktop (DGS, VIS)

Remote access to Kamioka workstations

Screen Captures

Screen Captures of PCs in KAGRA control room

DetChar Tools


Glitch trigger


Glitch trigger


glitch and lock loss study project


Virgo software tool dedicated to the monitoring and identification of spectral noise lines


Visualization of one-day spectrogram


Coherence list


Past data viewer (manual)

Noise budgetter

plot the noise budget (Users manual)


Data Quality info


obtain data from NDS server and plot in the various ways using GUI

Kashiwa Server

KAGRA main system

Strage of flame files, analysis, ...

Overview, Application form, Startup Guide , setup memo

DMG status web page, Calibrated strain data (C10) status web page


VPN, mail (@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp), user's html, etc.

Setup your own PC

for Mac user

for Windows user

Installation of Ubuntu (Windows Subsystem for Linux or VM ware Player) and its setup

for Chromebook user

See KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Portable


Python memo in Japanese

Memos for frame file analysis with python (witten in Japanese)

Anaconda / Miniconda

An open source package management system and environment management system

Jupyter Notebook

An open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.


a python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics.

Memos in old Detchar

Kozapy (Github, shortcut)



analysis tool by CERN (install guide in Japanese)


Make S-Number sticker

Important Channel list

LIGO / Virgo

Enviromental information (Meteorogy, Geophysics)

KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM (last edited 2023-11-08 14:27:12 by tatsuki.washimi)