Differences between revisions 21 and 196 (spanning 175 versions)
Revision 21 as of 2009-06-08 03:21:32
Size: 848
Editor: whitehole
Revision 196 as of 2020-02-28 12:11:25
Size: 3117
Editor: KokiOkutomi
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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|| '''[[LCGT|PROJECT TOP]]''' ||[[LCGT/subgroup/analysis|GW Analysis]] ||[[LCGT/subgroup/ifo|Interferometer]] ||[[LCGT/subgroup/vacuum|Vacuum & Cryostat]] ||[[LCGT/subgroup/laser|Laser & Optics]] ||[[LCGT/subgroup/vis|Seismic Isolator]] ||[[LCGT/subgroup/infra|Infrastructure]] || ## page was renamed from LCGT/subgroup/vis

= VIS =

'''V'''ibration '''I'''solation '''S'''ystem is the hardware infrastructure for the main optics in the KAGRA interferometer.
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== 防振系 == == Space for VIS-internal use ==
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 リーダー: 高橋竜太郎 (NAOJ) <<BR>> === Quick announcement ===
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 サブリーダー: 内山隆 (ICRR)、三代木伸二 (ICRR) === Frequently used links ===
 * '''VIS meeting''': From 14:00 (JST) on every Friday - [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/MeetingNAOJ|Meeting Page]]

== VIS Upgrades ==

[[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/Upgrade|Upgrade Page]]

== Instruments ==

=== Suspension types ===





[[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/ActuatorDesign|Actuator design summary]]

[[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/ChangeLog|Design Change Logs]]

=== Suspended optics ===

 * Arm cavity
  * ETMX
  * ETMY
  * ITMX
  * ITMY
 * Beam splitter (BS)
 * Signal recycling cavity
  * SRM
  * SR2
  * SR3
 * Power recycling cavity
  * PRM
  * PR2
  * PR3
 * Input optics
  * IMC
  * IMMT1
  * IMMT2
 * Output optics
  * OMMT1
  * OMMT2
  * OSTM
  * OMC
 * Auxiliary optics
  * TMSX
  * TMSY

=== Mechanics ===

==== Tower ====
 * Pre-isolator
  * Inverted Pendulum (IP)
  * Top GAS Filter (TF<<FootNote(This abbreviation should be avoided because it often refers to rather Transfer Function.)>>)
 * Standard GAS Filter (SF)
 * Bottom GAS Filter (BF)
 * Magnetic damper

==== Payload ====
 * Cryogenic payload (CRYp): The bottom 4 stages in Type-A suspension, branch recoil-mass chain
  * Platform (PF)
  * Marionette (MN)
  * Intermediate Mass (IM)
  * Test Mass (TM)
 * Room-temperature payload: The bottom 2 stages in Type-B and Type-Bp suspension, parallel recoil-mass chain
  * Intermediate Mass (IM)
  * Test Mass (TM)
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=== TAMA SAS の問題点 ===
 . [[tama_sas]]
== Installation ==
 . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/IstManual|Installation Procedure]]
 . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISInstWorkInfo|Misc. Installation Work Information]]
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=== 第1回LCGT防振系作業部会 ===  . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/iKAGRAbKAGRA|Tasks from iKAGRA to bKAGRA]]
== Real Time Model Development ==
 . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/RealTimeModel|Real-time Model Development]]
== Operation ==
 . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual|Operation Manual]]
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 6月3日(水) 17:00-19:00 天文台輪講室 ----
== VIS Introductioon ==
 . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/Introduction|Introduction materials for VIS]]
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 [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/ICDsas.doc|ICD]] ([[attachment:ICDsas.pdf|PDF]]) ----
== VIS Commissioning ==
 . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/Type-A/Commissioning|Type-A Commissioning]]
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== Archives ==
 . [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/Photos|Photos]]

== Old Weekly EVO Meeting ==
 . This meeting is suspended.

[[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OldVISMeetings|Past minutes]]

== Members ==

 * Chief: R. Takahashi
 * Member: N. Ohishi, H. Ishizaki, F. E. Pena Arellano, M. Barton, N. Hirata, R. Flaminio, Y. Aso, T. Akutsu , E. Tapia (NAOJ),
 T. Sekiguchi, K. Yamamoto, T. Uchiyama (ICRR), R. DeSalvo (Univ. of Sannio), E. Majorana (INFN Rome), J. van den Brand, E. Hennes, A. Bertolini, J. van Heijningen, K. Agatsuma (NIKHEF)



Vibration Isolation System is the hardware infrastructure for the main optics in the KAGRA interferometer.

Space for VIS-internal use

Quick announcement

  • VIS meeting: From 14:00 (JST) on every Friday - Meeting Page

VIS Upgrades

Upgrade Page


Suspension types






Actuator design summary

Design Change Logs

Suspended optics

  • Arm cavity
    • ETMX
    • ETMY
    • ITMX
    • ITMY
  • Beam splitter (BS)
  • Signal recycling cavity
    • SRM
    • SR2
    • SR3
  • Power recycling cavity
    • PRM
    • PR2
    • PR3
  • Input optics
    • IMC
    • IMMT1
    • IMMT2
  • Output optics
    • OMMT1
    • OMMT2
    • OSTM
    • OMC
  • Auxiliary optics
    • TMSX
    • TMSY



  • Pre-isolator
    • Inverted Pendulum (IP)
    • Top GAS Filter (TF1)

  • Standard GAS Filter (SF)
  • Bottom GAS Filter (BF)
  • Magnetic damper


  • Cryogenic payload (CRYp): The bottom 4 stages in Type-A suspension, branch recoil-mass chain
    • Platform (PF)
    • Marionette (MN)
    • Intermediate Mass (IM)
    • Test Mass (TM)
  • Room-temperature payload: The bottom 2 stages in Type-B and Type-Bp suspension, parallel recoil-mass chain
    • Intermediate Mass (IM)
    • Test Mass (TM)


Real Time Model Development


VIS Introductioon

VIS Commissioning


Old Weekly EVO Meeting

  • This meeting is suspended.

Past minutes


  • Chief: R. Takahashi
  • Member: N. Ohishi, H. Ishizaki, F. E. Pena Arellano, M. Barton, N. Hirata, R. Flaminio, Y. Aso, T. Akutsu , E. Tapia (NAOJ),

    T. Sekiguchi, K. Yamamoto, T. Uchiyama (ICRR), R. DeSalvo (Univ. of Sannio), E. Majorana (INFN Rome), J. van den Brand, E. Hennes, A. Bertolini, J. van Heijningen, K. Agatsuma (NIKHEF)

  1. This abbreviation should be avoided because it often refers to rather Transfer Function. (1)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS (last edited 2022-02-25 19:10:23 by HirotakaYuzurihara)